The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Just Being Around Men Is Exhausting’

On her Twitter profile, Ali Thompson describes herself as “Fat Activist Bisexual Queer.” On her personal web site, she calls herself “a feminist artist from Philadelphia specializing in pop art that is influenced by riot grrl zines, punk flyers, tattoos and comic art.” She has another Twitter account called @Ok2BeFat and a Patreon account to […]

In The Mailbox: 11.30.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Al Franken’s Passionate Kisses Twitchy: Rep. Marsha Blackburn Vows To Blow Lid Off Congress’ Secret Harassment Fund And Name Names Louder With Crowder: Late Night Show Ratings Are Dropping, Hard The Week: Ralph Nader Might Have Saved The Democratic Party (h/t NeoWayland) RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam […]

The Insane Professor

  Griffin Epstein teaches at George Brown College in Toronto. In 2009, she wrote her master’s thesis on “mad Jewish identity,” which began: “Can we be accountable to privilege? Can we find a space for coherent anti-racist secular Ashkenazi Jewish identity in North America, where Jews have been deeply implicated in structural violence? Can we […]

In The Mailbox: 11.29.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Garrison Keillor Fired From Minnesota Public Radio For “Inappropriate Behavior” Twitchy: Variety’s BOMBSHELL Expose Reveals Matt Lauer As “Super Villain-Level” Predator Louder With Crowder: Did I FAKE The Amazon Alexa Video? Ars Technica: Judge Rules Against 84-Year-Old Doctor Who Can’t Use Computer (h/t Loyal Commenter NeoWayland) RIPPED […]

Chomsky on Foucault (and Also, Exactly What Was Judith Butler Trying to Say?)

Michel Foucault and his very wrong book, ‘The History of Sexuality.’ It’s not my habit to quote Noam Chomsky, whom I despise, but I happened upon something he once said about Michel Foucault: You can make things look complicated, that’s part of the game that intellectuals play; things must look complicated. You might not be […]

NBC Fires ‘Today’ Host Matt Lauer

  Stunning news: Matt Lauer, the anchor of “Today” for two decades, was fired by NBC News after a detailed complaint about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. “Today” co-anchors Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb announced Lauer’s firing Wednesday, telling viewers at the top of the show that they were processing his departure but didn’t […]

In The Mailbox: 11.28.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #89 EBL: What Do The Smoke Signals Say? Twitchy: Guy Benson Nukes Dem Lies About GOP Tax Bill With One Graph, Triggers Dumb-O-Lanche Louder With Crowder: Joy Reid Goes Full Crybaby, Blames Rural Americans For Getting In The […]

Sex Panic and Its Consequences

The downfall of Harvey Weinstein was fun, and it’s amusing to watch Democrats like John Conyers and Al Franken twisting in the wind. However, the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse looks uncomfortably familiar to those of us old enough to remember the McMartin Preschool story. Christina Hoff Sommers sounds the warning: In the 1980s, a panic over […]

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