The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transphobic Violence Update

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Transphobic Violence Update

Police say “Jessica” Winkler murdered “Rhiannon” Layendecker.

Earlier this week, I noted what seemed to be a case of “violence against women” that feminists would ignore: A lesbian in Florida who police say confessed to killing her wife. Turns out I was mistaken: “The two women are both transgender and neighbors say they kept to themselves.”

The reader who tipped me to this reports that court records show that the victim, formerly known as Richard William Layendecker, petitioned to change his name to “Rhiannon Winter Layendecker” in 2009, while the accused murderer, formerly known as Jason Christopher Wernet, changed his name to “Jessica Jaye Winkler” in 2010.

Neither one of them was actually a woman, in other words, and I apologize to the lesbian community for the inaccuracy of the previous report. As for the  transgender community, well, tough luck. But somewhere, I’m sure, a Gender Studies major is trying to find some way to blame this on cisnormative heteropatriarchy.



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