The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Derek Weida Doesn’t Grasp That David Hogg May Not Grasp That The 2A’s Not The Issue

by Smitty Derek is a wounded warrior, trying to cast a Spell of Reflection on the young cameraphile: I’m actually kinda with the anti-gun folk. There’s no need BUT! I’ve learned that the way I live and the things I believe have nothing to do with how others want to live or what they want […]

What Must It Be Like …

. . . to applaud one’s own “courage” in writing? How does it feel to celebrate your “strength” with the expectation that others will admire you as much as Laurie Penny expects to be admired? This question is inspired by a 6,000-word article in which Ms. Penny climbs up on the cross, then worships herself […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty He leaned back against the tree with his sister and just laughed. Nearby, the neighbor kids had gathered the November leaves from the lawn into a vast heap below the old oak. They were taking turns on the rope swing, carefully gauging the release, to fly through the air and land in the […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: The Strange Case of ‘Gwynevere River Song’

Jackson Mosher, a/k/a ‘Gwynevere River Song.’ “This is what motivates me — to normalize our struggle. It is unnecessary for us to feel like outcasts, because we are not. Science dictates this, and no misconception held by a member of society, even society itself, can change that. We are natural. We have always existed, and […]

In The Mailbox: 03.30.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho And now, a few words from the patron saint of accountants. OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #211 EBL: Johan van Hulst, RIP Twitchy: The War On Laura Ingraham Claims Some Additional Casualties Louder With Crowder: Ben Shapiro Weighs In On Ingraham/Hogg Feud CNN: […]

In The Mailbox: 03.29.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Often Rhymes Twitchy: Kyle Kashuv Drops Mic On David Hogg For Playing “Children” Card Louder With Crowder: Parkland Activists – You Admit To Bullying The Shooter, But Have The Gall To Blame Guns And The NRA? Reason: Young Anti-Gun Demagogues […]

Keep an Eye on Hungary’s Election

  Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his nationalist Fidesz party have made opposition to unrestricted immigration the centerpiece of their policy and, in the campaign leading up to the April 8 election, Fidesz has targeted the sinister influence of George Soros. Hungary’s population of 10 million has bitter historic memories of being dominated by […]

‘Florida Woman,’ a Recurring Headline

  It seems that every weird story is datelined from Florida: A woman in Leesburg, Fla., was arrested on incest charges on Friday after genetic tests performed on her baby revealed that her brother was the father, deputies said. According to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Pauline Martin, 33, gave birth to her baby on […]

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