The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “We’d like to lodge a complaint about this ‘Unplugged Vacation’, right? There’s no Wifi. OK, We have 4G. But you brought us so far out that we haven’t got any bars.” He stared. “And speaking of coffee bars,” continued Biff, “there isn’t a Starbucks in Uber distance. And I’m not sure that the […]

Science Superstar Neil deGrasse Tyson Exposed as Sexual ‘Predator’

  You may know Neil deGrasse Tyson from the PBS series Nova, the Fox series Cosmos and the National Geographic series Star Talk. However, now Tyson is starring in a new series called The Astrophysicist Who (Allegedly) Raped Me, co-starring Tchiya Amet, who says he raped her when they were both graduate students at the […]

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 11.29.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: When You Realize A Lot Of #NeverTrumpers Are Looking For Money From The Left, It All Makes Sense Twitchy: What? Ted Cruz Wasn’t Told To “F*ck Off” After Asking To Be On Nine Inch Nails Guest List? Louder With Crowder: Alexandria Occasional Cortex Claims She’s An American […]

National Review’s ‘Pro-Family’ Writer @xan_desanctis Insults Dennis Prager

Alexandra DeSanctis’s parents sent her to an ultra-Catholic all-girls school — Opus Dei! — in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., and thence to the University of Notre Dame, where she graduated two years ago and joined the staff of National Review. Somewhere along the way, Ms. DeSanctis acquired an unfortunate insolence, so that her […]

Late Night With in The Mailbox: 11.28.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho Please welcome Hollywood In Toto to the lineup of blogs! OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #453 EBL: Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith Wins MS Senate Runoff Twitchy: The Washington Post Won’t Let Go Of FLOTUS’ Horrifying “Nightmare Forest” Louder With Crowder: Obama Takes Credit For […]

Ace vs. ‘Non-Binary Ben’

Ace of Spades kills it on a daily basis and he’s been doing it for about 15 years now. Back around 2005, when the blogosphere was The New Hotness — and my Old School editors at The Washington Times totally didn’t get it — I started reading Ace habitually, laughing out loud in the newsroom […]

Illegal Alien MS-13 Suspect Pleads Guilty to Raping and Murdering Teenage Girl

  The headline from the local CBS-TV affiliate: Man pleads guilty to murder, abduction and rape of Muslim teen during Ramadan So they lead with the fact that the victim was a Muslim, and she was killed during Ramadan, and her killer is just a “man” in the headline. STERLING, Va. — The man charged […]

Mississippi Elects First Female Senator, Liberal Media Blame Racism

  When Democrats lose, the explanations are never surprising: The Republican senator for Mississippi has been re-elected following a bitterly divisive runoff which evoked the state’s dark history of racist violence. Cindy Hyde-Smith survived controversy caused by her racially charged comments to defeat Democrat Mike Espy, who had hoped to become the state’s first African-American […]

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