The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What David French Won’t Say

  David French published a rather strange column at National Review entitled “The White-Supremacy Surge” that drags, among others, Milo Yiannopoulos, Allum Bokhari, Steve Bannon, Mytheos Holt, Corey Stewart and Rep. Steve King. Because I know David French and like him, despite his #NeverTrump politics, I don’t want to engage in ad hominem insults, as […]

In The Mailbox: 11.27.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Cowtastic, also, First Twitter Came For… Twitchy: Ben Shapiro Called It – Story of Man’s Attempt To Run Over Jews Dies A Quick Death Louder With Crowder: The Internet Had Fun With The Newly Iconic “Fleeing Family” Picture RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam Piggott: Australians Are Addicted […]

The Twitter Necropolis

by Smitty Social media in general, and Twitter in particular, seem to have gone sideways of late. People tending to be on the right politically just seem to get whisked off to the cornfield. Stacy McCain’s largish account got whacked some time ago, though he still tweets on. Alex Jones, of course (never a fan) […]

In The Mailbox: 11.26.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: UK’s NHS Tries To Stop Killing People EBL: Apparently It’s Unconstitutional For Congress To Ban Female Genital Mutilation Twitchy:  Fan Fiction – Newsweek Is Just Going To Go Ahead And Cover President Beta O’Rourke Now Louder With Crowder: Border Patrol Chief Exposes What REALLY Happened With […]

The Media: Stupid or Dishonest?

  “I don’t think our media is really this dumb,” Hot Air’s John Sexton writes. “Rather, I think they’re being intentionally dishonest.” The subject was CNN’s coverage of the “migrant caravan”: It started when CNN’s John Berman introduced the story this way: “U.S. border patrol agents deployed tear-gas on Central Americans seeking asylum, this does include […]

Lawsuit Blames Sheriff for ‘Devaluation of African-American Life in Pinellas County’

  In March 2016, three teenage car thieves stole Damian Marriott’s 1998 Honda Accord and went joy-riding around Pinellas County, Florida. Their crime spree ended shortly before dawn, when they drove the car into a pond in Royal Palm Cemetery in St. Petersburg: After trying twice that evening to stop the Honda, deputies followed the […]

Suspect in Hate Crime at L.A. Synagogue Is Probably Not a Trump Supporter

Don’t expect to see this story on CNN. Call it a hunch: A man was in custody Monday for allegedly trying to run over two men outside a synagogue in a largely Jewish Wilshire-area neighborhood and making anti-Semitic remarks in a case that has been classified by police as a hate crime. No one was […]

Emergency Tip-Jar Rattle: $557

OK, I just learned that I need to come up with $557 ASAP, and it’s embarrassing to explain why, so I won’t. But if readers could make some small contribution — $5, $10, $20, whatever — I would be most grateful. The Five Most Important Words in the English Language are: HIT THE FREAKING TIP […]

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