The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

There Are No ‘Good’ Public Schools

Posted on | November 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

Public education in America is a disaster. If taxpayers had any idea what was being done to children in these government indoctrination centers, they would be outraged. However, the bureaucrats who run the system are trained in methods of suppressing the sordid secrets of what goes on, and it is only when disaster strikes — e.g., the Parkland massacre — that the public gets a glimpse of the corruption and incompetence that prevails even in allegedly “good” suburban schools. Parents who think it is safe to send their children to public school generally have no inkling of actual conditions inside their child’s school. Consider what’s happening at Harlandale High School in San Antonio, Texas:

A 9th grader and her family fear for their safety after the Harlandale High School student was jumped just minutes after the last bell rang.
Melissa Serna said when she was on her way to pick up her daughter from school, she got a text saying her daughter had been attacked.
“My thing was just going to the hospital to make sure my daughter was fine,” Serna said. “Because she had suffered from a concussion, she passed out when she was getting the kicks and punches to her head.”
Serna said surveillance and cell phone video captured the assault, showing two female students beating her daughter on school grounds while others watched. Serna said school staff was still on campus but claim they did not see the fight until the students fled.
“I mean every person, my family, that’s seen the video has cried watching it,” Serna said. “She had two teachers who cried with her.”
The two students were suspended for three days, but are now back on campus. Serna said additional video surfacing on social media shows one of the students shooting a gun out of a moving car.
Serna said her daughter is still being bullied and taunted at school every day.
Harlandale ISD released this statement Wednesday regarding the incident:
“The Harlandale Police Department is investigating this incident and has filed charges with the District Attorney’s office. The students will follow due process to the fullest extent of the law and will be disciplined according to the Harlandale ISD Student Code of Conduct and School Board Policy. The safety of our students is always our top priority and the Harlandale ISD takes all potential threats to students’ safety very seriously.”

Watch the video:


What was the motive for this brutal attack on a 14-year-old girl? Well, it can’t be racism or homophobia, because if that was the motive, there would be a massive civil-rights protest and you’d probably be getting hourly updates on CNN. Most likely, the motive is that Ms. Serna’s daughter is pretty, and this gang of ugly goons were jealous of her.

But the “Student Code of Conduct and School Board Policy,” you see, doesn’t allow the school to permanently ban these juvenile thugs. The little monsters have a “right” to attend school and so, after serving a mere three-day suspension, the attackers are back on campus, and this girl “is still being bullied and taunted at school every day.”


(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!



One Response to “There Are No ‘Good’ Public Schools”

  1. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    November 17th, 2018 @ 2:21 pm

    […] The Other McCain – There Are No ‘Good’ Public Schools […]

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