The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lesbian Professor: ‘How Has the Form of Your Child Been Culturally Interpreted?’

Posted on | January 14, 2019 | 1 Comment


Hanna McCann is a lesbian and a feminist (but I repeat myself) who has a Ph.D. and teaches Gender Studies at the University of Melbourne. She is a man-hating anti-heterosexual ideologue, a proponent of queer theory, and the author of Queering Femininity: Sexuality, Feminism, and the Politics of Presentation. No one outside the world of academic feminism had ever heard of Dr. McCann, however, until last week she reported the result of a “brainstorm” she and her girlfriend had about “ways to ask about just-born children without gender”:

People use so-called “sex”, but (as Butler reminds us) that’s not free from gender. If one must ask (and one need not), we came up with: “how has the form of your child been culturally interpreted?”


This descent into madness — “so-called sex”! — sparked a reaction:

At last count, there were about 170 replies to Dr. McCann’s tweet, nearly all of them mocking the perverse lunacy of her ideas about “gender” which, however, the taxpayers of Australia are employing her to teach to their young people. You see, in 21st-century academia, everyone is as deranged as Dr. McCann — or at least, if there are still any sane people on campus, they are prohibited from criticizing the Official Belief System of Queer Theory, a quasi-religion that no one is permitted to oppose.

(Hat-tip: Kaeley Triller on Twitter.)



One Response to “Lesbian Professor: ‘How Has the Form of Your Child Been Culturally Interpreted?’”

  1. News of the Week (January 20th, 2019) | The Political Hat
    January 20th, 2019 @ 11:57 pm

    […] Lesbian Professor: “How Has the Form of Your Child Been Culturally Interpreted?” Hanna McCann is a lesbian and a feminist (but I repeat myself) who has a Ph.D. and teaches Gender Studies at the University of Melbourne. She is a man-hating anti-heterosexual ideologue, a proponent of queer theory, and the author of Queering Femininity: Sexuality, Feminism, and the Politics of Presentation. No one outside the world of academic feminism had ever heard of Dr. McCann, however, until last week she reported the result of a “brainstorm” she and her girlfriend had about “ways to ask about just-born children without gender” […]