The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Violence Against Women Update: Woman Raped on Video in Atlanta Nightclub

Posted on | January 24, 2019 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update: Woman Raped on Video in Atlanta Nightclub


We can expect feminists to ignore this crime:

The Atlanta woman who said she was drugged and raped at Opera nightclub in Atlanta on January 19 while she was streaming to Facebook Live spoke out before deleting her social media accounts.
The alleged victim, who was identified as Jasmine Eiland, posted a video on Monday confirming that she is alright. She also addressed some rumors circulating about her accusations.
“I’m not going to address any negativity any opinions, none of that,” Jasmine said in the video, adding “thanks for every text, every message, I haven’t responded to all of them.”
She then went on to say that the man in a photo she posted earlier in the day was not the assailant, and she revealed she did not delete the video because police told her it would slow down the investigation. . . .
After Jasmine’s video went viral, Opera Atlanta released a statement saying, “The disturbing matter that occurred last night has been brought to our attention, and we are working as diligently as possible in full cooperation with law enforcement.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

The victim of an alleged sexual assault at Opera nightclub has hired a prominent Atlanta attorney to conduct an independent investigation into the incident.
Attorney Chris Stewart will represent the woman who was allegedly raped inside the Crescent Avenue club in Midtown on Saturday. The woman, who was already streaming her birthday celebration on Facebook Live, captured the attack as it happened and continued to stream the video. Her screams and pleas for help could be heard on the video. . . .
Stewart said there is additional footage of that night that shows the suspect picking the victim up and carrying her into a back room.
“You hear the music die off and her screaming some more,” he said.
Atlanta police received several phone calls Sunday morning reporting the attack, but by the time they arrived at the club the woman was gone. . . .
According to Channel 2 Action News, the woman, who is originally from St. Louis, told police someone put drugs in her drink and then sexually assaulted her on the dance floor.
On Monday, police identified and contacted the man seen in the video, but have not released his name.
The investigation is continuing, but Atlanta police did not have an update on the case Tuesday. Stewart said they are awaiting results from a rape kit and a blood sample completed at a St. Louis hospital.

The reason I expect feminists to ignore this crime is because my hunch is that the perpetrator is not a Trump voter, IYKWIMAITYD.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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