The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SPLC Meltdown Continues

Posted on | March 26, 2019 | Comments Off on SPLC Meltdown Continues

After the Southern Poverty Law Center fired co-founder Morris Dees, the resignation of SPLC president Richard Cohen soon followed, and now a third senior official of the anti-“hate” group is gone:

The shakeup of senior leadership at the Southern Poverty Law Center continued this week with the resignation of the center’s legal director, Rhonda Brownstein.
A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed the resignation to, but declined to speak publicly about the specifics of individual personnel decisions. Efforts to reach Brownstein have been unsuccessful.
Brownstein’s resignation [Sunday] comes two days after longtime SPLC President Richard Cohen resigned for undisclosed reasons, and a week after co-founder Morris Dees was fired amid questions about sexual harassment, gender and racial discrimination at the nonprofit organization.

Remember that the SPLC became a $400-milllion left-wing hate machine by “exposing” alleged Thought Crimes by others, and is now the target of at least three different lawsuits — one by Baltimore lawyer Glen Keith Allen, another by the D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), and a third by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes. The mounting problems at the “Poverty Palace” in Montgomery were compounded when a former SPLC official wrote about the “hate” scam in the New Yorker, as Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner explains:

The center’s chief goal is to bilk naive and wealthy donors who believe it’s an earnest effort to combat bigotry. . . .
“Outside of work,” author Bob Moser recalls of his days working for the supposed anti-hate group, “we spent a lot of time drinking and dishing in Montgomery bars and restaurants about … the hyperbolic fund-raising appeals, and the fact that, though the center claimed to be effective in fighting extremism, ‘hate’ always continued to be on the rise, more dangerous than ever, with each year’s report on hate groups. ‘The S.P.L.C.—making hate pay,’ we’d say.”
“[I]t was hard, for many of us, not to feel like we’d become pawns in what was, in many respects, a highly profitable scam,” he adds.
The way Moser tells it, the center’s chief founder, Morris Dees, who was dismissed unceremoniously last week for unspecified reasons, discovered early on that he could rake in boatloads of cash by convincing “gullible Northern liberals” that his group is doing the hard work of fighting “hate.” . . .
“[T]he center continues to take in far more than it spends. And it still tends to emphasize splashy cases that are sure to draw national attention,” he writes adding the group’s “central strategy” involves “taking on cases guaranteed to make headlines and inflame the far right while demonstrating to potential donors that the center has not only all the right enemies but also the grit and know-how to take them down.”
Moser adds there is an inescapable sense of “guilt” that comes with thinking about “the legions of donors who believed that their money was being used, faithfully and well, to do the Lord’s work in the heart of Dixie. We were part of the con, and we knew it.”

No intelligent person ever believed the SPLC’s “hate” hype, but there are many liberals with more money than sense, and Morris Dees figured out a lucrative sure-fire way to take advantage of them.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)



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