The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jew-Haters Hold Pro-Hamas Conference in North Carolina — at Taxpayer Expense!

Posted on | April 11, 2019 | 1 Comment


Support for the terrorist Hamas regime in Gaza and demonization of Israel were major themes of a three-day conference last month at the University of North Carolina entitled, “Conflict Over Gaza: People, Politics and Possibilities.” Peter Reitzes of The Tower reports:

The large lobby area served as the central gathering place with vendor tables and catered snacks. It featured a large screen that played a photo collage on repeat, celebrating and glorifying Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Conference attendees continually saw photographs of Palestinians attacking Israel with incendiary devices . . .
Nowhere were there photographs of Israeli children hiding and crying in shelters as rockets from Gaza exploded around them.
There was a table with hundreds of free conference t-shirts that prominently said “Gaza,” which conference staff were busy folding and handing out. There were hundreds of free tote bags, as well, with regular announcements throughout the day to get your free gear. . . . When the UNC and Duke Consortium for Middle East Studies applied for and received a federal grant through the Department of Education (DOE) worth $235,000, I wonder if the federal government imagined that free Gaza “swag” was part of the plan.
There was a “UNC Student Stores” bookstore setup with more than 20 titles that shared central themes of anti-Israel and Hamas apologetics. . . .
The book store attendant informed me that the Conference Director chose the books being sold at the event.

You can read the rest of that, as well as Part 2 and Part 3 of Reitzes’ report on the conference at UNC, including the fact that conference organizer Shai Tamari forebade attendees to record the proceedings. So they sent the bill to U.S. taxpayers, but U.S. citizens cannot be allowed to see what they paid for? Jew-haters don’t want any video cameras around to record them avowing support for Islamic terrorism, I guess.

Here’s video by Ami Horowitz:



One Response to “Jew-Haters Hold Pro-Hamas Conference in North Carolina — at Taxpayer Expense!”

  1. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    April 13th, 2019 @ 11:33 am

    […] The Other McCain – Jew-Haters Hold Pro-Hamas Conference in North Carolina — at Taxpayer Expense! […]