The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fat Queer Feminist: Diets Are Hitler and Also Rape Culture or Something

Posted on | April 28, 2019 | 2 Comments


Say hello to Sonalee Rashatwar (@thefatsextherapist), who is against white supremacy, fatphobia, and “penis in vagina intercourse.” Probably I could think of some crude jokes to insert here, but that would be too easy, and also cruel. But let’s ask, what are Ms. Rashatwar’s credentials as a “fat sex therapist”? Well, she is a self-identified non-binary queer who got a master’s degree in social work and human sexuality from Widener University in 2016. How much, uh, practical experience does she have in human sexuality? Honestly, I don’t want to think about it, and it’s irrelevant to the kind of academic expertise that qualified Ms. Rashatwar to give a lecture at prestigious St Olaf College in Minnesota.

You’re sending your kids to an expensive private liberal arts college so a fat non-binary queer can lecture them about “ways to unlearn fatphobia”? Because it’s racist to be skinny? And also, incidentally, it’s wrong to be heterosexual because of the “narratives” of “cisheteropatriarchy”? You can watch the two-hour video of Ms. Rashatwar’s presentation at St. Olaf, in which she said some genuinely crazy things:

Science, she told the crowd, is a white supremacist tool designed to oppress the obese.
“We should be critical of the use of science and the production of knowledge to continue promoting this idea that certain bodies are fit, able, and desirable… is it my fatness that causes my high blood pressure, or is it my experience of weight stigma?” Rashatwar, who uses the gender-neutral ‘they/them’ pronouns, asked.
“Fatphobic” science is “often actually eugenic science… eugenic science is Nazi science,” she continued.
After denying the link between obesity and high blood pressure, Rashatwar attempted to link Christchurch mosque slayer Brenton Tarrant’s murder spree with his love for physical fitness.
“I do not think it’s surprising that the man who shot up Christchurch, New Zealand was also a fitness instructor,” the self-described “Donut Queen” said. She argued that the shooting was “a clear communication that there’s still an idealized body. Nazis really love this idea of an idealized body, and so it makes a lot of sense to me that a fitness instructor… might also think about an idealized body in this thin white supremacist way.”

You go to the gym regularly and run a mile or two a day? You’re Hitler!

This is elite higher education in 2019. As Ace of Spades says: “We have to collectively pay for desperate and broken people to spread their self-justifying conspiracy theories to others? . . . We’re paying crazy people to teach other crazy people how to be crazier, in other words.”



2 Responses to “Fat Queer Feminist: Diets Are Hitler and Also Rape Culture or Something”

  1. Daybook: Calvinism has always been a good fighting religion. | Dark Brightness
    April 28th, 2019 @ 11:44 pm

    […] sane, and our academic elite are on the vanguard of this: it is not enough to believe the lies, one must not be fit, healthy, whole or sane, or you will be […]

  2. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    May 4th, 2019 @ 10:28 am

    […] The Other McCain – Fat Queer Feminist: Diets Are Hitler and Also Rape Culture or Something. […]
