The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Which Lunatics Are Running the Asylum?

Posted on | May 28, 2019 | 1 Comment


Meet Cassidy Leigh “Cas” Barbour (pronouns “he/him/his”), a Peer Advisor at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, where “he” is majoring in Communication Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies. “Cas” first came out as bisexual at age 11, identified as “gay” at age 12, and at age 18, decided she was actually “he.” Now calling herself/“himself” Casper Landyn Barbour, she/“he” has also been under treatment for mental illness since she/“he” was in third grade:

I’m nineteen and have always had a sick brain. . . .
I’ve been in therapy since I was eight and on brain pills since I was thirteen. . . .
My brain is sick. Really sick. It has been for a really long time.

Why is a mentally ill person who can’t function without “brain pills” employed as a “Peer Advisor” at a public university? Are taxpayers in North Carolina aware of this program to provide employment for insane students, by hiring them to advise other students?


While we’re asking questions, let’s ask this: Why does UNC-Greensboro have a department of Women’s and Gender Studies?

The central focus of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program is to explain how gender is produced within social institutions and how these institutions affect individual lives and to analyze the mutual constitution of gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, nationality, and religion.

So “gender is produced within social institutions,” and UNC-Greensboro has an entire academic department devoted to explaining how this happens. Y’know, anyone could send me an email if they needed a tutorial on the production of gender. As a married father of six (and grandfather of four), I think I have a certain level of expertise in this field, to say nothing of the dozens of feminist texts I’ve read as part of my research in the “Sex Trouble” project. But the reader must understand that the UNC-Greensboro faculty have a political agenda, and because I do not support that agenda, this renders my expertise irrelevant.

Normal people with normal ideas don’t get hired by universities. Apparently, you have to be full of insane rage (and synthetic hormones) to get hired as a Peer Advisor at UNC-Greensboro, and so they get Cassidy/“Casper” with her/“his” rant against the father who abandoned her/“his” mother and celebrating her/“his” newfound maleness:

It feels so amazing to finally be out and be who I really am. . . . I can’t wait to show the world the man that I’m going to become.

See, you can’t get hired by UNC-Greensboro if you are actually male. Being male is inherently wrong, because of “toxic masculinity”:

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program welcomed Michael Robinson on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 as he facilitated a conversation on “The Mind of a Man: Finding Self in the Age of Toxic Masculinity.” . . .
Michael closed by prompting us to consider, “How do we move into a space of understanding gender as something applied to us? What is the future of masculinity rooted in this level of awareness?” He left us with these final thoughts: “The less we attach ourselves to certain traits/identities the closer we get to one another, with space for more nuance to just be.”

In other words, any trait associated with masculinity is wrong, because men are bad, but if women get their breasts amputated and inject themselves with testosterone to become “men,” that’s awesome.

You have to be crazy to believe stuff like that, and Third Wave gender theory is turning our nation’s universities into lunatic asylums.



One Response to “Which Lunatics Are Running the Asylum?”

  1. The people can always choose a new elite. – Dark Brightness
    May 30th, 2019 @ 12:01 am

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