The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dayton Mass Murderer Had More Red Flags Than a May Day Parade in Beijing

Posted on | August 6, 2019 | 1 Comment


While the media have spent the past 72 hours screeching about “white supremacy” and blaming Donald Trump for the El Paso massacre, the facts emerging about the mass murderer in Dayton, Ohio, have presented a classic case of missed warning signs of dangerous craziness:

The man who killed nine people Sunday morning in Dayton’s Oregon District was once kicked out of Bellbrook High School for making a list of girls he wanted to kill, the Dayton Daily News learned in interviews with former classmates and school administrators.
Connor Betts, 24, was shot and killed by Dayton police, ending a brief yet deadly rampage in which he killed his sister, eight others and injured 27. . . .
“This isn’t a mystery to me,” said one middle school classmate. “I’m furious.”
The classmate, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the shooter once said he fantasized about tying her up and slitting her throat. The fetish was so macabre that even the shooter admitted he was scared of his thoughts, the woman recalled him saying.
“He knew it wasn’t normal,” the woman said about the decade-old conversation. “He and I talked at length about him getting help.”
The woman said she and her parents told Bellbrook police about the bizarre admission, but the woman said she felt she wasn’t taken seriously, despite the would-be shooter including her on a hit list. . . .
“I think this is less of a hate crime and more of an ‘I hate everybody’ crime,” [former high-school classmate Demoy] Howell said. “I honestly feel more comfortable now knowing that he’s gone.”

More about the killer’s high-school “hit list”:

High school classmates of the gunman who killed nine people early Sunday in Dayton, Ohio, say he was suspended for compiling a “hit list” of those he wanted to kill and a “rape list” of girls he wanted to sexually assault.
The accounts by two former classmates emerged after police said there was nothing in the background of 24-year-old Connor Betts that would have prevented him from purchasing the .223-caliber rifle with extended ammunition magazines that he used to open fire outside a crowded bar. Police on patrol in the entertainment district fatally shot him less than a minute later.
Both former classmates told The Associated Press that Betts was suspended during their junior year at suburban Bellbrook High School after a hit list was found scrawled in a school bathroom. That followed an earlier suspension after Betts came to school with a list of female students he wanted to sexually assault, according to the two classmates, a man and a woman who are both now 24 and spoke on condition of anonymity out of concern they might face harassment.
“There was a kill list and a rape list, and my name was on the rape list,” said the female classmate.
A former cheerleader
, the woman said she didn’t really know Betts and was surprised when a police officer called her cellphone during her freshman year to tell her that her name was included on a list of potential targets.
“The officer said he wouldn’t be at school for a while,” she said. “But after some time passed he was back, walking the halls. They didn’t give us any warning that he was returning to school.” . . .
The discovery of the hit list early in 2012 sparked a police investigation, and roughly one-third of Bellbrook students skipped school out of fear, according to an article in the Dayton Daily News.

More from NBC News:

As investigators attempt to piece together why a 24-year-old man opened fire outside a popular Dayton bar, people from his past point to hit lists, violent threats and a fascination with shootings that they now say were clearly red flags. . . .
“He would have known that his actions were deplorable,” Adelia Johnson, 24, said about the man she dated earlier this year.
The pair met in a psychology class at Sinclair Community College in Dayton and bonded over their shared struggle with mental illness, she said.
They began dating this spring — a brief relationship punctuated by peculiar moments that at first Johnson shrugged off.
On one date, he took her to shoot a rifle. He often brought up mass murders when they spent time together, Johnson told “Today.”
Johnson said that he performed with an extreme heavy metal band known for sexually violent lyrics.
On their first date, she said, he showed her body camera video from a mass shooting at a synagogue. Another time, he asked her to accompany him as he tried to drop off an anonymous letter to an ex-girlfriend. The letter’s message — “You can’t escape your past” — unnerved her, she said.
His fixation on the ex, Johnson said, “was the final red flag.”
“All of the other ones,” she said, “those could be written off as something else.”
She ended the relationship through a text message and said she told friends she was scared by his actions.

Oh, they “bonded over their shared struggle with mental illness.” Because no sane person would have dated this scary weirdo:

The Ohio madman who slaughtered nine people and wounded at least two dozen others in Dayton’s nightlife district had heard menacing voices in his head since he was young, and talked about “dark, evil things,” his ex-girlfriend said.
Connor Betts, 24, was a serious and reserved kid who struggled with hallucinations, Lyndsi Doll, who dated Betts seven years ago, told the Washington Post Monday.
During their high school years, Betts had told Doll he’d long suffered from psychosis and feared developing schizophrenia.
“He would cry to me sometimes,” Doll recalled, “saying how he’s afraid of himself and afraid he was going to hurt someone one day. It’s haunting now.” . . .
Her friends had warned her about his aggressiveness in previous relationships — pushing one ex-girlfriend into a roaring river and screaming at another while pinning her against a wall, she shared.
Despite that, she grew to trust him, and the pair bonded over their shared mental health struggles. Doll had suffered from anxiety and depression, she said.
As time went on, though, Doll started to realize that Betts was in desperate need of professional help, and talked often about “dark, evil” things he was hearing in his head, she told the paper.

So, this makes at least two girls he dated with whom he “bonded over their shared mental health struggles.” Every crazy girl in Dayton, Ohio, was magnetically attracted to this psychotic freak, I guess.

Did I mention he was pro-Antifa and a registered Democrat who expressed support of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren?

And there are millions of these Bernie voters out there.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.



One Response to “Dayton Mass Murderer Had More Red Flags Than a May Day Parade in Beijing”

  1. Daybook. – Dark Brightness
    August 8th, 2019 @ 2:08 am

    […] So, this makes at least two girls he dated with whom he “bonded over their shared mental health struggles.” … Did I mention he was pro-Antifa and a registered Democrat who expressed support of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? And there are millions of these Bernie voters out there. Be afraid. Be very afraid. […]
