The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DaTechGuy 2.0

Posted on | August 7, 2019 | 1 Comment

Longtime blog buddy Pete Da Tech Guy is rattling the tip jar to fund a site upgrade, and I just threw in a few bucks, because I owe him. Pete and I go back nearly 10 years. During the Great LGF Blog War of September 2009, when Charles Johnson decided to “expose” me as a racist — a long, long story — Da Tech Guy came to my defense, even though we’d never met. When you’re in the middle of a fight for survival like that, you can only pray for deliverance and thank God for every shot fired in your defense.

A few months later, when Scott Brown ran for the Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy, I took a train to Boston and Pete drove down from Fitchburg to pick me up at the station and — ZOOM! — off we went on the campaign trail for the one of the wildest weeks of my life. We ended that week in a ballroom for the Brown victory party, at which Pamela Geller and Ace of Spades joined us in the front row of the press section, with the mainstream media assigned to the rear rows.

It was during that trip that I first began wearing a fedora, borrowing one from Pete, and so I owe him for that sartorial trademark, too.

Anyway, Professor Glenn Reynolds hit Pete’s tip jar last night, and so I felt obliged to do my part in helping fund his upgrade.



One Response to “DaTechGuy 2.0”

  1. Intimidation: A Feature not a Bug to the Left | Da Techguy's (old/backup) Blog
    August 8th, 2019 @ 11:55 am

    […] feed himself and his family does. It is what prompted my involvement in Stacy vs LGF business that he alluded to in his post over my fundraiser (thanks stacy […]