The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DaTechGuy 2.0

Longtime blog buddy Pete Da Tech Guy is rattling the tip jar to fund a site upgrade, and I just threw in a few bucks, because I owe him. Pete and I go back nearly 10 years. During the Great LGF Blog War of September 2009, when Charles Johnson decided to “expose” me as a […]

Dayton Mass Murderer Had More Red Flags Than a May Day Parade in Beijing

  While the media have spent the past 72 hours screeching about “white supremacy” and blaming Donald Trump for the El Paso massacre, the facts emerging about the mass murderer in Dayton, Ohio, have presented a classic case of missed warning signs of dangerous craziness: The man who killed nine people Sunday morning in Dayton’s […]

Off the Shelf

— by Wombat-socho Cash being a bit low of late, everything that follows is from the Clark County Library (and hopefully in your local library as well) or the Kindle Owners Lending Library, which is another reason to shell out for Amazon Prime if you haven’t already. Probably the pick of the litter is Brad […]

‘Aiyona Hunt’ Is Not a Woman

  The man calling himself “Aiyona Hunt” (@Aiyonahunt01 on Twitter) has repeatedly succeeded in getting Twitter support staff to suspend the accounts of feminists who have complained about his sick misogynistic behavior. Of course, “Aiyona” (a) enjoys using the women’s restroom, (b) likes wearing high heels and (c) calls himself a “lesbian.” These are symptomatic […]

In The Mailbox: 08.05.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: Never Underestimate the Power of Human Stupidity EBL: The Boomtown Rats – “I Don’t Like Mondays” Twitchy: They Flipped When Trump Called MS-13 Animals. Now They’re Upset he Called Mass Shooters Monsters. Louder With Crowder: Why Mario Lopez Should Never Apologize, also, Neil DeGrasse Tyson Triggers […]

‘Revenge of the Nerds,’ IRL?

  After our podcast Saturday night, John Hoge and I went out to dinner and he was telling me about his latest engineering project. He does very important work for NASA, but the way he talks about it is so low-key you aren’t likely to realize exactly how important his work is. So we’re sitting […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Claudia Cardinale

— compiled by Wombat-socho Claudia Cardinale, the glorious Tunisian/Italian actress who featured in a lot of spaghetti westerns, first came to my attention in perhaps the greatest of those not starring Clint Eastwood: Once Upon A Time In The West, where she played a beautiful widow beset by the eeeeevil Henry Fonda. More appropriately, she […]

Two Mass Shootings in 14 Hours: Thoughts on ‘The Gamification of Terror’

  Saturday night on The Other Podcast with John Hoge, we opened the show discussing the shooting at an El Paso Wal Mart that left 20 people dead and 26 injured. The gunman, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, evidently drove more than 600 miles from his family’s home near Dallas to commit this atrocity. He posted online […]

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