The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.20.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: A Solar Road, What Could Go Wrong? EBL: There’s Nothing Abnormal About Joe Biden’s Brain Twitchy: Journo/Ilhan Omar Cheerleader Mehdi Hasan Blasts “Anti-Semitic” Trump, Plays Victim When He Gets Called Out For Hypocrisy Louder With Crowder: Woman Gos To Cuddle Session, Winds Up With Nipple In […]

‘Special Needs’: Autistic Neo-Nazi Killers

  The first thing you need to know about Nicholas Giampa — besides the fact that he murdered two people — is that he had been diagnosed with autism, depression and a social anxiety disorder, according to his mother. From an early age, Giampa was “troubled,” and was a target of bullying. He attended five […]

Democrats Embrace Pro-Terrorist Group That Recycled Blood Libel Against Jews

  Yeah, 2020 is gonna be lit, y’all: Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are ramping up their criticism of Israel’s decision to block them from entering the country, where according to Tlaib “racism and the politics of hate” are “thriving.” But in defending its decision, the Israeli government is citing the radical history of […]

CNN Panelist: ‘The Greatest Terrorist Threat in This Country Is White Men’

  The obscure cable channel strikes again: A Monday night “Cuomo Prime Time” segment went completely off the rails after CNN commentator Angela Rye took issue with a GOP campaign strategist’s “interesting word choice” after the strategist said that two Muslim Democratic Reps. had “hijacked” the Democratic Party. The night’s “The Great Debate” segment featured […]

In The Mailbox: 08.19.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Bacon Time: NJ School District Uses Tuna Fish On Kids To Punish Deadbeat Parents 357 Magnum: Family Members Of Kid Shot In Self-Defense Aren’t Happy EBL: The British Seaside (ca. 1960) Twitchy: President Promises Jon Gabriel’s Vision Of Greenland Won’t Become Real Louder With Crowder: Video Montage Of […]

Feminism Makes You Fat

Looking back at photos and films of the Woodstock concert 50 years ago, a New York Times writer remarks how rare it was to spot a fat person in that vast crowd of hippies: In 1969, Americans were, it would appear, much thinner — men and women equally. (That guy picking his way through the […]

My Most Popular Tweet Ever

by Smitty If you still have a Twitter account and could spot me a retweet, that would be casual. The Binary Intersectional Tyrannical Cis-Hetero Slave Lord Anti-woke Patriarchy (BITCHSLAP) promises that all mockery of these terms will be carefully described in tiny paragraphs suitable for usage in a software licensing agreement, such that all joke-like […]

SJWs Silent as Palestinian Government Prohibits LGBT Activism in West Bank

  Intersectional snowflakes are so triggered they can’t even! The Palestinian Authority banned members of the Palestinian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community from carrying out any activities in the West Bank. The ban came after the grassroots group Al-Qaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society (Arabic for “the bow”), which […]

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