The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NBC: The Rape Network

Posted on | November 3, 2019 | Comments Off on NBC: The Rape Network

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Certainly by now it’s clear that Me Too has not gone too far in canceling powerful men. Harvey Weinstein is popping up at industry networking events in New York City. Louis C.K. just announced tour dates.
Perhaps the most glaring sign that the boys’ club is still alive — and somewhat well — is flashing at NBC News. At its 30 Rock headquarters, NBC News President Noah Oppenheim and his boss NBC News Chairman Andy Lack are still running the show.
They remain at the helm despite the explosive reporting in Ronan Farrow’s new book “Catch and Kill,” which reveals how Oppenheim and Lack not only shut down the investigation into Harvey Weinstein’s predatory and abusive treatment of women, but how NBC News silenced or ignored multiple allegations of sexual misconduct inside the company ? including overlooking the behavior of “Today” show host Matt Lauer for years before finally firing him in 2017.
What Farrow’s book, and other reporting, shows is a news outlet more concerned with protecting powerful men than reporting the truth ? or protecting its employees from sexual predation. The tactics the company used to silence women — Farrow reports on nondisclosure agreements used to keep women silent — were not unlike the ones employed by Weinstein himself, or so many other sexual harassers.
However, there are some recent signs that those methods are failing the news outlet: On Wednesday, 150 staffers at NBC News’ digital arm announced plans to unionize, in part because they wanted more transparency over how sexual misconduct is handled at the company.
“Recent weeks have highlighted serious questions as to how NBC News has handled incidents of sexual misconduct in the workplace as well as the opaque processes and procedures for reporting on and exposing powerful predators,” said the announcement from the organizing workers.

Normally, as a matter of principle, I believe in due process of law — “innocent until proven guilty” — but if the feminist #MeToo movement is going to destroy powerful institutions of the liberal media establishment, I’m willing to waive my principles: #BelieveWomen!

(Via Memeorandum.)



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