The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Black Woman’s Presidential Campaign Rejected by Racist Sexist Democrats

Posted on | December 3, 2019 | 1 Comment


Why do Democrats hate black women?

Kamala Harris ended her presidential campaign on Tuesday after months of failing to lift her candidacy from the bottom of the field — a premature departure for a California senator once heralded as a top-tier contender for the nomination.
Harris told aides of her intentions in an all-staff call, and a person familiar with the conversation said she sounded distraught. While Harris had qualified for the December debate in her home state later this month, she was running dangerously low on cash — lacking the resources to air TV ads in Iowa — and her staff was gripped by long-running internal turmoil.
Still, the news came as a shock to some of her biggest supporters. Just as Harris was announcing the news internally, a super PAC had cleared more than $1 million in TV ads in Iowa to boost her struggling campaign. The ad, which argued she was the best-equipped candidate to take on President Donald Trump, was canceled.
“Eleven months ago at the launch of our campaign in Oakland I told you all: ‘I am not perfect.’ But I will always speak with decency and moral clarity and treat all people with dignity and respect. I will lead with integrity. I will speak the truth. And that’s what I have tried to do every day of this campaign. So here’s the truth today,” Harris wrote in a note to supporters.
“I’ve taken stock and looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life. My campaign for president simply doesn’t have the financial resources we need to continue.”
Harris, who spent Thanksgiving in Iowa with family, took a deep look at the campaign’s resources over the holiday and decided she did not have a path to the nomination.

How perfect is this? Kamala Harris got beat by a gay white guy, a fake Cherokee and a socialist Jew. Trump couldn’t have planned it any better as a way to inflame racial paranoia in the African-American community.  I’m sure Vladimir Putin must be delighted by this news . . .

UPDATE: Yeah, this is the kind of headline I want to see:

Leader of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’
On Kamala Harris Dropping Out:
‘Racism and Sexism!’

Democrats are now divided and demoralized.

“Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen . . .”



One Response to “Black Woman’s Presidential Campaign Rejected by Racist Sexist Democrats”

  1. Friday hawt chicks & links – We care about your privacy edition. – Adam Piggott
    December 6th, 2019 @ 1:09 am

    […] US democrat presidential hopefuls are hitting the campaign trail and falling by the wayside, and it is rather hilarious to watch. This little snippet stands out from the rest of the idiocy, […]
