The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Governor Northam Couldn’t Be Setting Up A “Reichstag Fire” Event, Could He?

Posted on | January 18, 2020 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

Via @deplorable_s on Twitter and Tom DeWeese on FaceBook we have this tidbit:

The whole Charlottesville disaster was bad enough, and Stacy covered it here and here. Given the Left’s need to control the conversation coupled with the pending implosion of the impeachment disaster, makes the Democrats more of a rabid, injured, cornered animal than usual. The following clip of the Democrat event planners captures it all:

Unfortunately, for the authoritarian Left, there are real-world consequences for false-flag events like this or the Reichstag Fire. And I don’t just mean property damage.

There is a SWExit offer in place for Virginia counties who are as interested in an authoritarian nitwit in Richmond now as the Appalachian counties were in 1861. Northam looks a slightly younger Joe Biden in terms of being in office without much of a clue.

The Virginia Senate just passed a set of unpopular gun control laws, despite the substantial negative feedback at the county level. Stupid, futile gestures indeed. And now, peaceful, patriotic protest in the capitol is threatened by Lefty violence and a judiciary that support’s Northam’s infringement of Constitutional rights.

It would be unfortunate if busloads of Antifa weenies tried to cause trouble and tragedy ensued. While the country could hypothetically view the eternal absence of Antifa as an improvement, that’s really just an extension of the “This is why we can’t have nice things” argument.

The real problem here is due to Virginia conservatives not convincing enough voters to oust the Democrats at the ballot box.

Which brings us full circle to the impeachment fracas. This Virginia sideshow God willing, will only prove a footnote in the overall collapse of the Left’s effort to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”. Down with the Democrats, down with Antifa, down with the media.


More intriguing detail at The Last Refuge.

Cam Edwards has some calming details. So, while the actual idiocy has been both watered down and remains unsigned into law, the Left is content to settle for incremental excremental transformation of society.


3 Responses to “Governor Northam Couldn’t Be Setting Up A “Reichstag Fire” Event, Could He?”

  1. Caffeinated Reaction - Dark Brightness
    January 18th, 2020 @ 4:03 pm

    […] The Virginia Senate just passed a set of unpopular gun control laws, despite the substantial negative feedback at the county level. Stupid, futile gestures indeed. And now, peaceful, patriotic protest in the capitol is threatened by Lefty violence and a judiciary that support’s Northam’s infringement of Constitutional rights. […]

  2. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    January 19th, 2020 @ 10:26 am

    […] Governor Northam Couldn’t Be Setting Up A “Reichstag Fire” Event, Could He? […]

  3. News of the Week (January 19th, 2020) | The Political Hat
    January 19th, 2020 @ 9:51 pm

    […] Governor Northam Couldn’t Be Setting Up A “Reichstag Fire” Event, Could He? The whole Charlottesville disaster was bad enough, and Stacy covered it here and here. Given the Left’s need to control the conversation coupled with the pending implosion of the impeachment disaster, makes the Democrats more of a rabid, injured, cornered animal than usual. The following clip of the Democrat event planners captures it all […]

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