The Other McCain

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Stoners and Stalinists: Sanders Campaign Staff Is Exactly What You’d Expect

Posted on | January 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Stoners and Stalinists: Sanders Campaign Staff Is Exactly What You’d Expect


Earlier this week, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released undercover video in which Kyle Jurek, a field organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa, advocated “re-education” camps for “MAGA people” and defended Stalin’s gulag prison camps in the Soviet Union. In a follow-up video, Jurek described himself as an “anarcho-Communist” and declared that many other Sanders staffers share his far-left extremist views. Jurek’s habit of dropping f-bombs makes the videos nearly unlistenable — “bleep! bleep! bleep!” — and now we have the latest update from Deb Heine at American Greatness:

In the latest Project Veritas sting video, Kyle Jurek, the self-proclaimed anarcho-communist Soviet Gulag fan who is a field organizer for the Bernie Sanders Campaign in Iowa, admits that he was recently arrested for “weed” after knocking on doors for the campaign. Jurek told the Veritas reporter that the Sanders Iowa field director quickly bailed him out.
Anonymous tipsters from within the Sanders Campaign in Iowa have since told Project Veritas that they are concerned about Jurek’s behavior and fear that he could be a threat to the president.
As American Greatness reported on Tuesday, Jurek was arrested on January 7 in Saylor Township, Iowa, for operating while intoxicated (second offense), possession of drug paraphernalia, failure to provide proof of financial liability, and violation of probation.
Project Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe wonders if the bail money came from Sanders’ campaign coiffures.
Jurek was caught on camera describing his arrest to the Project Veritas undercover journalist.
“I got busted for weed by the f*cking police,” he said, adding that he was still going through “that process.”
“Went to f*cking jail. The whole G*d-damned thing. F*cking right after we got done knocking on doors one night in Urbandale,” he continued.
Jurek said that as he was heading out to buy some more “weed,” the police stopped him.
“Like the cop met me at the intersection and I went through and he turned and f*cking pulled me over. And then like immediately he’s like, ‘why does it smell like weed?
Jurek indicated that he answered, “I don’t know, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And uhhh, [he] f*cking pulled me out of the car, searched my car, found my weed, found my grinder, found my bowl, found my kief, took me to jail.
Jurek said he was there for four to five hours before he was bailed out.
He said he made his first phone call to fellow field organizer Danielle (Hirano).
“Then Luke answered the phone, Luke’s one of the RFD (Regional Field Director), he’s the RFD for, like, West Des Moines area,” Jurek explained. “Luke answered, he’s like, ‘don’t say another word,’ he’s like ‘we already processed you bail. Just sit tight.’” . . .
O’Keefe reports that since their reports were published, Project Veritas has received several anonymous tips from people who know Jurek.
One from a campaign staffer, who says Sanders Iowa State Director Misty Rebik knew of Jurek’s radicalism and should have never hired him.
Even more disturbing is a tip from people who know Jurek personally. They say Jurek is dangerous and becoming more radicalized. They worry he might try to assassinate President Trump.

Crazy People Are Dangerous, and if you think Bernie Sanders is going to be elected president, maybe you should consult a therapist.



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