The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Never Trust a Bisexual

Posted on | February 9, 2020 | 1 Comment


In 2010, when she was 24, actress Amber Heard publicly “came out” as a lesbian. but a year later seemed to reconsider her identity, saying “I don’t label myself one way or another.” Gosh, what could have prompted such a reconsideration? Heard had been in a relationship with an older woman, Tasya van Ree, since 2008, so why did she suddenly become uncomfortable with the word “lesbian”? Ah, she had a target in her sights: Johnny Depp, with whom she co-starred in The Rum Diary. At the time Heard expressed her disdain for labels, Depp was 47 and in a relationship with Vanessa Paradis, with whom he had two children. Depp was also one of the most successful actors in Hollywood, the star of Disney’s lucrative Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. In 2012, Heard dumped her girlfriend, Depp split with the mother of his children, and they became a couple, marrying in 2015.

This would prove to be the worst mistake of Johnny Depp’s life.


How many times do I have to explain this? Barely a year after their wedding, Heard filed for divorce, then filed for a restraining order, accusing Depp of domestic abuse, and I wrote at the time:

Anyone who was surprised by this simply hasn’t been paying attention to the many omens of doom surrounding their relationship. . . . 
Three words: Borderline personality disorder.
It was my lesbian friend Cynthia Yockey who pointed out the substantial overlap between bisexuality and borderline personality disorder. People with BPD notoriously have “boundary issues.” They can’t stand to be told “no,” and don’t think the rules should apply to them. They love to cause drama, and would rather have negative attention than to be ignored. BPD is “characterized by extreme fear of abandonment; unstable relationships with other people, sense of self, or emotions; feelings of emptiness; frequent dangerous behavior; and self-harm.”
Does that fit Amber Heard? I’m not qualified to offer a clinical diagnosis, but her “no labels” attitude struck me as symptomatic, and it seems as if the “unstable relationships” factor was evident in her marriage to Johnny Depp. There are reports that Ms. Heard never fully let go of her relationship with Tasya van Ree, and that this created problems.
Depp’s friend Doug Stanhope says he never liked Ms. Heard, and accuses her of blackmailing Depp. We cannot know the whole truth of two people’s private relationship, so I’ll reserve judgment as to the details, but let me say this in general: I don’t trust bisexuals.

If Johnny Depp had asked for my advice, I’d have told him not to go near that dangerous lunatic, nor any other “bisexual,” for that matter. But he made a fool of himself, as I wrote in June 2018:

He’s wrecked. He’s ruined. The Pirates of the Caribbean star has utterly destroyed his career and reputation, and is rapidly approaching financial ruin. The drug-addled 55-year-old actor is living out a 21st-century version of Hogarth’s A Rake’s Progress.
Do you realize that the five Pirates films grossed a combined $4.5 billion? And that Depp’s cut of that gold mine was $600 million? Basic arithmetic tells you that Depp was making $40 million a year — about $750,000 a week — for more than a decade, and there is no logical explanation for why he should be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy now, except for the unfortunate fact that Johnny Depp is a fool.

Depp has pursued a defamation suit against his “bisexual” ex-wife, and last week, after audio emerged of Heard admitting she had hit Depp, the hashtag #JusticeForJohnnyDepp trended on Twitter. Alas, the damage  Amber Heard inflicted on Depp’s reputation and finances cannot be undone, and guess what she’s up to nowadays?


Yep, got herself a 38-year-old lesbian girlfriend. She just destroys a man’s life and moves on, because that’s what bisexuals do.

Of course, you guys are free to do whatever you want to do, but don’t say nobody warned you. Leave those crazy bisexual women alone.



One Response to “Never Trust a Bisexual”

  1. Friday Links | 357 Magnum
    February 14th, 2020 @ 11:27 am

    […] Other McCain – Never Trust a Bisexual Johnny Depp learned that lesson the hard […]