The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How’s That ‘Bail Reform’ Working Out?

Posted on | February 21, 2020 | 1 Comment


A woman is dead in New York state:

The 25-year-old man accused of fatally stabbing a library security officer to death had been released without bail after being accused of trying to rape a woman at Montefiore Nyack Hospital in November, authorities and court documents confirmed Thursday.
Blanchard Glaudin had been charged by Orangetown police under the name of Gaudin Blanchard, as he apparently goes under several names, according to police and court records.
He also was arrested in Florida in 2014 on a misdemeanor trespassing charge as Blanchard Carter Glaudin, according to the Nyack Justice Court.
Spring Valley Police Detective Kevin Freeman filed a felony complaint against him under the name Blanchard Glaudin in the stabbing death of security officer Sandra Wilson at 2:05 p.m. Tuesday at Finkelstein Memorial Library. He was charged with second-degree murder.
Orangetown police had charged him as Gaudin Blanchard with attempting to rape a woman at the hospital where he was an inpatient on Nov. 9 at 12:30 p.m., Capt. James Brown said in an email Thursday.
An Orangetown police report filed with Nyack Justice Court states he “entered the hospital room of the victim, held her by the throat, bit her neck and told her to, ‘Shut up and do not scream.’ Pull down your pants. I don’t care about your blood.'”
The woman fought off his attack until hospital staff intervened, the report states. . . .
He was held as Gaudin Blanchard in the county jail from Dec. 20 until Dec. 26, when a County Court judge released him, Sheriff Louis Falco said.
Falco said he doesn’t know who the judge was or the conditions under which the suspect was released.
The sheriff is a vocal opponent of the bail reforms as approved, taking away the discretion of judges and setting release without bail for some violent felonies.
Erin George, director of Citizen Action for the Civil Rights Campaign, called Wilson’s death heartbreaking, “but it is unquestionably not the result of bail reform.”
“The accused individual was released in December 2019 on charges that remain bail and jail eligible under the new law,” she said. “Furthermore, he could have been ordered to remain in a hospital for evaluation, as he reportedly was experiencing mental health issues.”

“Social justice” is a threat to public safety, but this is just another case of violence against women feminists won’t notice, for some reason . . .

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!



One Response to “How’s That ‘Bail Reform’ Working Out?”

  1. Bail Reform Costs Another Life | 357 Magnum
    February 22nd, 2020 @ 10:19 am

    […] tip to The Other McCain, who […]
