The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#NeverTrump Circus: Ex-GOP Voting for Bernie Sanders Because ‘Principles’!

Posted on | February 21, 2020 | 1 Comment


“Stand Up Republic” is the Evan McMullin/Mindy Finn organization funded by Democrat billionaire Pierre Omidyar. “Principles First” is an anti-Trump organization that is the brainchild of disappointed Rubio supporter Heath Mayo. Together, these two outfits are sponsoring the “Summit on Principled Conservatism” a week from Saturday:

Stand Up Republic and Principles First are excited to announce a one-day grassroots summit in Washington, DC on Saturday, February 29, focused on reviving principled conservatism in the United States. We look forward to bringing together conservative speakers, thought leaders, and grassroots activists for a day of panels, speeches, networking, and substantive discussion about what conservatism means today and where the conservative movement must go from here.
This promises to be an exciting, first-of-its-kind event. The speakers lined up for this gathering will be some of the leading thinkers in principled conservatism with many grassroots activists from around the country in attendance.

It’s a Who’s Who of #NeverTrump grifters — Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson, et al. — and their “principles” are simply: ORANGE MAN BAD!

The #NeverTrump crowd was betting on Biden as the “moderate” Democrat they could support against Orange Man Bad, but when it became apparent that Creepy Uncle Joe couldn’t win, they turned to Mike Bloomberg as their “moderate” Messiah. Now that Mini-Mike flamed out in the Vegas debate, the #NeverTrump gang is starting to make the case for why “conservative principles” would require them to support socialist Bernie Sanders, who increasingly looks likely as the Democrat candidate.

The avowed libertarian will vote for whoever Democrats nominate — even an outright socialist — “because Trump.” It’s just so sad, isn’t it?

UPDATE: Another “principled conservative”:

Trump Breaks Another ‘Never Trump’ Person;
MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace Confesses Who She’ll Vote For

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)



One Response to “#NeverTrump Circus: Ex-GOP Voting for Bernie Sanders Because ‘Principles’!”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    February 23rd, 2020 @ 10:09 am

    […] The Other McCain notes the #NeverTrumper circus and their “principles” […]
