The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Bedlam) Shows Why You Should Never Vote Democrat

Posted on | March 27, 2020 | Comments Off on Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Bedlam) Shows Why You Should Never Vote Democrat


The 11th District of Michigan is a so-called “swing” district. For most of the past half-century, this district in the suburbs of Detroit has been represented in Congress by Republicans. Rep. Thad McCotter was the congressman there until 2012, and Republicans Kerry Bentivolio and Dave Trott later filled the seat, but after Trott announced his retirement in 2018, former Obama administration staffer Haley Stevens won a hotly contested five-way Democratic primary, then got 51.8% of the vote in the November general election. It should be unnecessary to say that Stevens’ seat is a prime target for Republicans seeking to recapture control of the House of Representatives this fall. And the argument against re-electing Stevens became obvious Friday morning when she freaked out and started shrieking like a deranged lunatic on the floor of the House:

Wearing pink latex gloves, U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens, D-Rochester Hills, was ruled out of order during a Friday speech on the House floor about the $2.2 trillion relief package to help workers and businesses in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Stevens’ speech started out normally. Then, as she ran out of her allotted time of one minute, she began shouting her remarks, requested 30 more seconds and mentioned the gloves she was wearing.
Stevens yelled she was wearing the gloves “not for personal attention.” The individual running the Democratic-controlled House proceedings repeatedly struck his gavel.
“I rise before you adorning these latex gloves not for personal attention, not for personal attention but to encourage you to take this disease seriously,” Stevens said. “I rise for every American who is scared right now.”
“The gentle lady is out of order,”
said Rep. Anthony Brown, D-Maryland, who was presiding over the chamber for the debate.
Eventually, Stevens was granted 30 more seconds to speak at the request of House Majority Leader U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland. Stevens continued but some of what she said was indecipherable because of the commotion on the floor.She appeared to say medical professionals would be “pushed” and would see “darkness.”
“Our country loves you to our doctors and our nurses,” Stevens continued
The freshman lawmaker added that she wore the gloves “to tell every American not to be afraid.”
Stevens was eventually ruled out of order. Her microphone was cut, and Brown’s gavel rang out repeatedly.
“The gentle lady from Michigan is no longer recognized,” Brown said.


If you live in the 11th District of Michigan, please vote Republican, so that Haley Stevens can get the psychiatric treatment she needs. People who vote Democrat have turned Congress into a lunatic asylum.



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