The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CBS News: White Males Are Heroes

Posted on | April 22, 2020 | Comments Off on CBS News: White Males Are Heroes

What? The liberal media gives good publicity to Trump voters?

A company that produces raw supplies for medical manufacturers has risen to the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did Braskem USA ramp up production of their much-needed materials, but the company also designated “live-in” teams who stayed and worked at their facilities for nearly a month.
The Braskem employees who volunteered to live at work did so to protect others and hopefully prevent the spread of the virus to their families. After 28 days on the job, these employees finally clocked out — and the joyous moment was caught on video. . . .
The team of about 40 workers worked in 12-hour shifts. During work hours, they make polypropylene, the raw materials used to produce a non-woven fiber found in N95 masks, hospital gowns, and sanitary wipes. Occasionally during their off hours, they could watch TV or get drive-by visits from family, WPVI reports.
Knowing they were making a difference in the battle against COVID-19 made the long stay at work worth it. “All the first responders, all the people on the frontlines, we thank you. That’s what makes our job easy to do,” Boyce said.

Now watch the video:

A bunch of heterosexual white males getting good publicity? I’m sure CBS network executives will fire the producer responsible for this.



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