The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gov. Cuomo: ‘You Can Go to Work and You Can Be an Essential Worker’

Posted on | April 23, 2020 | 1 Comment

Are you currently unemployed because your governor declared your employment to be “non-essential” and you can’t get a job working for a cable news channel? Don’t worry, says the governor:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that protesters calling for the state to reopen the economy so they can go back to work could “get a job as an essential worker.”
Cuomo made the comment at the end of a long exchange with WRGB reporter Anne McCloy, who told the governor that she spoke with demonstrators outside New York’s state Capitol in Albany before heading inside for the daily press conference. The protesters told her they can’t wait for widespread coronavirus testing – which Cuomo has been pushing — and want to return to work so they can have an income and feed their families, McCloy said.
“By the way — if you want to go to work, go take the job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow,” Cuomo said.
“But the people aren’t hiring because of the pandemic,” McCloy responded.
“No, there are people hiring,” Cuomo said. “You can get a job as an essential worker, so now you can go to work and you can be an essential worker and you’re not going to kill anyone.”

Ace of Spades notes that the governor’s “non-essential” brother, who works for an obscure cable channel seen mainly in airport lounges, apparently infected both his wife and his son with COVID-19.



One Response to “Gov. Cuomo: ‘You Can Go to Work and You Can Be an Essential Worker’”

  1. LinkSwarm for April 24, 2020 « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
    April 24th, 2020 @ 8:11 am

    […] Speaking of Gov. Cuomo, he said that if you’re not an essential worker, sucks to be you. (Hat tip: The Other McCain.) […]