The Other McCain

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Rumor: North Korean Dictator Dead?

Posted on | April 25, 2020 | Comments Off on Rumor: North Korean Dictator Dead?


Important, if true:

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un may be dead or near death, according to several reports that circulated Saturday.
Former Fox News reporter Adam Housley cited a Hong Kong media outlet that reported the North Korean leader had passed.
Japanese sources reported that the Supreme Leader had undergone a cardiac procedure and was left braindead. “Wild if true. Japanese magazine reports Kim Jong Un may be in a vegetative state after doctors struggled to insert stents in his arteries following a collapse. Source is one Chinese medical official,” Wall Street Journal Japan’s Alastair Gale tweeted.
Reuters reported late Friday that a team of Chinese medical experts had been sent to North Korea “to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un” — a report Housley noted had come out of Taiwan two days earlier.
Housley also noted that Kim Jong Un’s absence from Army Day celebrations were a fair indicator that he was at the very least not doing well.

“At the very least not doing well.”

Yes, and perhaps also “pining for the fjords.”



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