The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CBS News: White Males Are Heroes

What? The liberal media gives good publicity to Trump voters? A company that produces raw supplies for medical manufacturers has risen to the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did Braskem USA ramp up production of their much-needed materials, but the company also designated “live-in” teams who stayed and worked at their facilities […]

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’

  So dubbed by Ace of Spades: John Ekdahl has been on a helluva tear on Twitter. He wonders why it is that the New York-based media is scolding Floridians for visiting the beaches in small numbers, but yet all of New York City’s parks remain open. He wonders why people are being told they can’t drive but New […]

‘For the Wrath of God Is Revealed From Heaven Against All Ungodliness …’

Thus begins one of the most powerful passages of Scripture, and I was pleased today to learn from Denise McAllister that this has become the inspiration for a new website, Romans One. It is an ambitious and high-minded project, as the editors explain their intended mission: Why choose this part of the Bible as the […]

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Andrew Cuomo: The Media’s Favorite Scientific Geniuses

  Watching MSNBC today (so you don’t have to) and it’s amazing how laser-focused they are on the blame-Trump narrative of COVID-19. The MSNBC viewer is given the impression, for example, that Joe Biden was presciently warning about this Chinese disease in January, when what is being quoted is not what Biden himself said, but […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: If You’re Watching ‘Tiger King,’ You Know It

  What remarkable luck — five years ago, Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin began working on a documentary about Americans who own private menageries of exotic animals and, almost accidentally, found their protagonist in an eccentric Oklahoma zoo owner, Joe Schreibvogel, a/k/a “Joe Exotic.” In 2019, he was sentenced to federal prison, giving their documentary […]

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 04.17.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho First, a little administrivia. This was the last day of the tax season for me, and unfortunately it may also be the last linkagery post until May 1 or whenever Gauleiter Sisolak condescends to reopen the casinos, libraries, and other such places where I can plug in my laptop and crank […]

Good News: More Evidence COVID-19 Is Less Lethal Than Most People Believe

For some time now, it has been apparent that a large percentage of people infected with COVID-19 are either asymptomatic or have such mild symptoms that they have never been tested for the virus. From an epidemiological perspective, this is a double-edged sword. If you’re infected but asymptomatic, you can spread the disease without knowing […]

Just a Quick Note

My Wednesday post about the death of Mackenzie Lueck has been deleted, because two of my kids objected to the tone of my commentary. This bothers me, as the entire point I wished to make is that what led to Mackenzie’s death was the kind of “non-judgmental” attitude that prohibits us from describing prostitution in […]

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