The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Science-Denying Grandma Killers’

Posted on | May 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

If you’re in favor of ending the COVID-19 lockdown mandates, liberals will accuse you of wanting old people to die, because Orange Man Bad!

This is not satire. It is literally the entirety of their argument. Because liberals hate Trump with the heat of ten thousand suns, and because Trump is in favor of ending the lockdowns as soon as possible, liberals now accuse anyone who suggests that small businesses should be allowed to resume operations of being irresponsible. It is useless to point out to them that, for example, Costco and Wal-Mart have never been shut down, so that the lockdowns are only punishing small businesses. Likewise, it does no good to point out that nearly all deaths from coronavirus have been among people 65 years or older, so that letting a 30-year-old get her hair cut at a local salon, or have a beer at the neighborhood pub, is unlikely to cause skyrocketing hospitalizations, nor will it put any senior citizen at risk. If the staff at Grandma’s nursing home is following proper disease-prevention procedures, there is no real public health risk from letting businesses re-open. Besides which, if you want to continue hiding out at home, nobody is going to force you to go out, so you can still be as safe as you want to be. No, never mind any of that, say people who consider themselves World Famous Virus Experts™ for no particular reason (expect they hate Trump), those of us who want to let businesses re-open are “Science-Denying Grandma Killers.”

Ace of Spades uses that phrase to devastating effect in mocking AllahPundit who is now renamed “KarenPundit.”



2 Responses to “‘Science-Denying Grandma Killers’”

  1. Our mothers are only worried that people may die. – Adam Piggott
    May 16th, 2020 @ 2:50 am

    […] The ‘mum’ reference is noteworthy. If I were to describe the general political response to the present virus, it would be motherly. Originally the lock downs were imposed because there was a perceived risk of hospitals running out of ICU beds. When that failed to be an issue the lock downs should have immediately been lifted, but they morphed into an entirely separate issue which was the risk that people may die. […]

  2. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    May 16th, 2020 @ 11:56 am

    […] ‘Science-Denying Grandma Killers’ […]