The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.31.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Red Pilled Jew: Shattering Bamboozles Or Shattering America 357 Magnum: “Anarchy Ends in Chaos” EBL: Democratic Party Discourse & Dialogue Twitchy: Joe Biden Barely Made It Through His Speech Today Without Injuring Himself; Ana Navarro Moved To Ridiculousness Louder With Crowder: Two #BLM Speakers Declare “Open Season” On […]

‘Adult Entertainment’

  Say hello to Laura Wambles of Dothan, Alabama, a/k/a “Aubrey Gold.” Two weeks after her 18th birthday, Ms. Wambles began performing in what are euphemistically called “adult entertainment” videos. She was quite busy in the field of “adult entertainment” for a couple of years: Wambles’ Internet Adult Film Database page lists 65 credits. Wambles’ […]

The Shark Has Been Infinitely Jumped: Russians Controlling Black Lives Matter?

  “I’m Not Making This Up, You Know,” says my podcasting partner John Hoge, reacting to the latest madness from Adam Schiff: SCHIFF: The peaceful protests, I think, are calling out, in a very important way, the murder of so many black men and women at the hands of police. And those protests are in […]

‘I Also Hope to Keep a Steady High’

  Worrying about politics is a waste of time, and nobody who knew me when I was in college could ever have imagined that I would grow up to become a political journalist, wasting my time this way. My perspective on the political scene is idiosyncratic, simply because most people in this racket have been […]

Early Morning Rule 5 Monday: Linda Ronstadt

— compiled by Wombat-socho I thought I was too tired to get this done last night, but after a couple of hours of tossing and turning I figured I might as well just get up and knock it out. Ms. Ronstadt needs no introduction. Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The […]

FMJRA 2.0: Willin’

— compiled by Wombat-socho This week, one of the rare occasions where the Loyal Commentariat preferred burgers and violence to babes. To commemorate this, here’s the King of Knights dining at the King of Burgers. Notice that she’s dining in, so as not to obstruct Stacy’s pursuit of Neutral Objective Journalism and double cheeseburgers. Why […]

Kenosha: Anthony Huber Was a Felon, and Jacob Blake Was Dangerous

  After a week of endless disinformation by the anti-Trump media, we are finally getting the truth about Kenosha, Wisconsin. We now know, for example, that Anthony Huber, one of the rioters who was shot to death by Kyle Rittenhouse, was not the saintly hero some in the media have tried to depict. Huber’s criminal […]

Podcasting the Long, Hot Summer

At our usual time — 7 p.m. ET — John Hoge and I will be bringing you our weekly rundown of the headlines at The Other Podcast. As you might expect, this week we’ll be talking a lot about the Kenosha riots and other Democrat voter mayhem. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW LIVE! […]

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