The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BOOM: Rochester Police Chief Resigns After ‘Attempt to Destroy My Character’

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 1 Comment


The chief is black, OK? He’s got 20 years on the police force, and for a bunch of outside agitators to come in accusing him of “systemic racism”? Nah, the chief don’t have to listen to that noise:

The chief and entire command staff of the police department in Rochester, New York, resigned Tuesday — among other department changes — as outrage continued over the death of Daniel Prude, a Black man with mental health issues who died after having been put in a “spit hood” and restrained by officers in March.
Chief La’Ron Singletary announced that he would be retiring after 20 years on the force, according to a media release from the department. Singletary said the events of the past week “are an attempt to destroy my character and integrity.”
“The members of the Rochester Police Department and the Greater Rochester Community know my reputation and know what I stand for,” Singletary, 40, said in his resignation letter. “The mischaracterization and the politicization of the actions that I took after being informed of Mr. Prude’s death is not based on facts, and is not what I stand for.”
Deputy Chief Joseph Morabito and Commander Fabian Rivera also announced their retirements Tuesday. Two other high ranking officials, Deputy Chief Mark Simmons and Commander Henry Favor, returned to a lower ranking of lieutenant.
Mayor Lovely Warren said during a City Council briefing Tuesday that the “entire Rochester police command staff” has retired and that “there may be a number of others that will decide to leave, as well.”

Try to imagine how Chief Singletary feels. Daniel Prude died after a PCP freakout — he was quite literally running naked in the street — and this had nothing whatsoever to do with racism. Then #BlackLivesMatter comes to town, with all their anti-cop rhetoric, trying to incite a riot, and the black police chief is the racist villain in this narrative?

Nope. Got in enough time to retire. Gonna go fishing. Have a nice day.



One Response to “BOOM: Rochester Police Chief Resigns After ‘Attempt to Destroy My Character’”

  1. Black Police Chief Won’t Stand for Being Called Racist | 357 Magnum
    September 8th, 2020 @ 9:55 pm

    […] Not only is it insulting to accuse a black police chief of racism against blacks, it is patently ridiculous. BOOM: Rochester Police Chief Resigns After ‘Attempt to Destroy My Character’. […]