The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Death of ‘Quono’

Posted on | September 13, 2020 | Comments Off on The Death of ‘Quono’


Say hello to Aquoness “Quono” Cathery, who was an “aspiring rapper” according to an obituary in the Revolutionary Communist Party press. Basically every time cops shoot a criminal, the Commies confer sainthood on the departed hoodlum, and this was the case with Quono:

Aquoness Cathery was murdered by the police on Wednesday, November 29 [2017], on the South Side of Chicago. He was 24 years old and the father of a young daughter. He was known as “Quono” and was an aspiring rapper. The pigs responded to a “shots fired” call and claimed Quono had a gun, which they don’t even claim he fired. Multiple witnesses, including family members, say he was shot in the back while he was running away. . . .
Like too many young people born with darker skin are treated in this country, Quono’s humanity meant nothing to the system that kills people like him every day and lets its murderous cops walk free.

You must believe in extraordinary malice by the “pigs,” or perhaps unusual coincidence, that when there was a 911 call for “shots fired” in this neighborhood, police found themselves chasing Quono. Did the cops just randomly decide this “aspiring rapper” was their suspect?

Here is the police officer’s bodycam of the incident:


Apologies for the poor quality of that video, what with the running and everything, but here’s a still shot at the 15-second mark:


That’s a 9mm Glock in his right hand — or at least, that’s what the police said, whereas his mother filed a lawsuit against the city saying her son didn’t even have a pistol, and claiming the cops planted the gun found at the scene where “Quono” was shot by the cop.

Far be it from me to pass judgment, but you see that if this wrongful death lawsuit ever makes it to trial, the jury will be required to wonder why the cop was chasing Quono in the first place. After all, if the cops are responding to a 911 call of “shots fired,” why would they be chasing an unarmed man? And if Aquoness Cathery had nothing to do with the reported shooting, why would he be running from the cops?

Oh, but I guess I forgot to tell you this part of the story:

Court records show that in the six years before his death, Cathery was arrested several times, mostly on charges related to guns and drugs. In 2014, he was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison after he was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

So from the time he was old enough to be charged as an adult, Quono was more or less a full-time felon — a gangbanging dope dealer — and at the time of his 2017 death, he’d just finished a prison sentence for gun-related crimes. Are we supposed to believe it was a coincidence Quono was in the vicinity when this “shots fired” report was called into 911?

As might be expected, after the George Floyd case revived the Black Lives Matter movement this summer, Quono’s mother was a speaker at a rally that “highlighted patterns of ‘systemic racism’ by many members of the law enforcement community against Black and Hispanic minorities.”

Oh, the cop who shot Quono? Officer Julio Garcia.

Tell me more about this “systemic racism” in Chicago, please.



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