The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ohio’s ‘Republican’ Governor

Posted on | October 22, 2020 | 1 Comment

Republicans are the party of business, the party of free enterprise and deregulation. So why in the world is the Republican governor of Ohio dictating 10 p.m. “last call” at bars?

An Ohio state representative who led the charge to reverse Gov. Mike DeWine’s order to move last call at bars and restaurants to 10 p.m. could not be happier other lawmakers are joining the fight.
State Rep. Al Cutrona, R-Canfield, introduced a bill in early September to stop DeWine’s late July order to stop bars and restaurants from serving alcohol past 10 p.m. On Thursday, Senate President Larry Obhof, R-Medina, and President Pro Tem Bob Peterson, R-Washington Court House, co-sponsored legislation to do the same thing.
For his part, DeWine has said over the past two weeks he is reviewing the order. However, he also announced Tuesday the state passed 5,000 COVID-19 deaths and is averaging nearly 500 more cases a day than it did two weeks ago. . . .
The bill would allow alcohol sales within the time frame that already exists under Ohio law. It also prevents any disciplinary actions resulting from violations of DeWine’s order.
Cutrona’s bill removes alcohol-sales restrictions due to the COVID-19 state of emergency. It also stops the Ohio Liquor Control Commission from restricting hours of operation established before the emergency.
“I want to make sure these small businesses can push through these trying times,” Cutrona said. “The bar and restaurant industry is completely suffering right now. That 10 p.m. ban takes away their prime time of making revenue. If they can follow the guidelines before 10 p.m., then they can do it at 2 a.m.”

Do I want to be drinking in a crowded bar during a pandemic? No, but if you want to take your chances, go ahead.

The governor’s decision to move last call to 10 p.m. was arbitrary, and cannot be justified in the name of “science.” If it is safe to drink in a bar at 10 p.m., why does it suddenly become unsafe at 10:01 p.m.? All the governor’s policy is doing is depriving businesses of revenue, with no demonstrable health benefit. It is as if DeWine feels a need to compete with Gretchen Whitmer in the Lockdown Mania Derby.



One Response to “Ohio’s ‘Republican’ Governor”

  1. RINO Governors Are Also Drunk on Power | 357 Magnum Archive 2.0
    October 22nd, 2020 @ 10:58 am

    […] For example, The Other McCain highlights Ohio’s ‘Republican’ Governor […]
