The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | 5 Comments

Looting is already being reported in Philadelphia tonight, the second night of #BlackLivesMatter riots following the Monday afternoon police shooting of 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr. In last night’s Mostly Peaceful™ Protest, “76 people were arrested for burglary including three with guns, 11 were arrested for assaulting police officers, and three were arrested for failure to disperse,” according to WPVI-TV.

Why riot over this case? Wallace was shot after he charged two police officers while brandishing an 8-inch knife. This was not the first time cops had to deal with Wallace, nor even the first time that day:

Police were called dozens of times in recent months about problems at Walter Wallace Jr.’s home, and had responded twice on Monday to reports of disturbances at the West Philadelphia house before two officers answered a third call and shot him as he approached them with a knife, according to law enforcement sources.
What happened during those earlier visits — including which officers responded and how much they knew about Wallace’s mental health problems — remained unclear Tuesday.

Yes, a lot “remained unclear” about what happened Monday, except that a knife-wielding maniac got shot by cops. While the media keeps repeating the theme that Wallace suffered from “mental health problems,” lots of people have problems, but they usually don’t get shot by cops. Why? Because they don’t charge at cops with 8-inch knives.

Who was Walter Wallace Jr.? You have to read down to the 13th paragraph of the Philadelphia Inquirer story to find out:

In and out of court since he was 19, Wallace had convictions for crimes including resisting arrest and robbery. Court records show that city judges routinely sought to get him mental health treatment.

Oh, he had “convictions for crimes”? Maybe that’s a fact important enough to include in a headline, as Information Liberation does:

Meet Walter Wallace Jr, The Career Criminal
Whose Shooting by Police Triggered Riots in Philly

There’s some brutal for you, and maybe people would take a different view of the subject if they understood that Walter Wallace Jr. has been a violent menace to society his entire life. But the mainstream media won’t give you that kind of context, forcing you to read through a dozen or more paragraphs before they inform you that the lunatic who charged cops with a knife had an extensive criminal record. Would you like to see the suspect’s mug shot? How about 12 mug shots?

As Chris Menahan of Information Liberation says, Wallace “has so many mugshots I couldn’t fit them all into one properly-sized header image . . . Wallace had a criminal record going so far back I can’t even find the whole thing.” Charged in 2015 with aggravated assault and four misdemeanors, Wallace took a plea bargain, pleading guilty to two misdemeanors — terrorist threats and simple assault — and was sentenced to three years’ probation. You might think this was important, but here’s the lead of the story at WCAU-TV, the NBC affiliate in Philadelphia:

A day after he was shot and killed by two police officers, sparking protests and a night of civil unrest in Philadelphia, family members of Walter Wallace Jr. are speaking out, describing him as a husband, father and aspiring musician who struggled with mental health issues.

An “aspiring musician who struggled with mental health issues”! The guy was practically Mozart, you might believe from that description, but if you keep reading until you get to the 21st paragraph:

Court records also reveal Wallace’s extensive criminal history.
He was arrested in March after he allegedly threatened his child’s mother over the phone, saying “I’ll shoot you and that house up.”
In 2019, he was charged with resisting arrest by “kicking the windows and door panels of a police patrol car.”
In 2016, during a robbery, he allegedly grabbed a woman by the neck and held what she believed to be a gun to her head, according to court records.
In 2013, Wallace’s mother had a protective order against him which he allegedly violated when he “threw water in her face and punched her in the face” and “threatened to return and shoot” her, according to court records.

He punched his own mother in the face, but you wouldn’t know that unless you read more than 20 paragraphs into the story. Never mind — go steal a big-screen TV at Wal-Mart, because social justice.




5 Responses to “Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night”

  1. If All You See… » Pirate's Cove
    October 28th, 2020 @ 1:00 pm

    […] blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the media promoting BLM lies on 2nd night of Philly […]

  2. Walter Wallace’s black life didn’t matter, because no one took it seriously – The First Street Journal.
    October 28th, 2020 @ 2:49 pm

    […] (Hat tip to Robert Stacy McCain.)Let’s be clear here: though not used in the article, the euphemism “he was known to the police” fits here. Information Liberation researched Mr Wallace’s criminal record, and it isn’t pretty. They found thirteen separate adult mug shots for Mr Wallace, which means that he was arrested at least thirteen times since he was 18 . . . which was only nine years ago. […]

  3. The Friday hawt chicks & links – The fate of the world edition – Adam Piggott
    October 31st, 2020 @ 5:37 am

    […] Rioting broke out in Philadelphia this week after a local criminal and hoodlum was shot by police after charging at them with a knife in what I would classify as a classic example of suicide by cop. […]

  4. FMJRA 2.0: Albedo 0.39 : The Other McCain
    November 1st, 2020 @ 11:42 pm

    […] Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night The Pirate’s Cove First Street Journal Pushing Rubber Downhill A View From The Beach 357 Magnum EBL […]

  5. News of the Week (November 2nd, 2020) | The Political Hat
    November 3rd, 2020 @ 3:49 am

    […] Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night Looting is already being reported in Philadelphia tonight, the second night of #BlackLivesMatter riots following the Monday afternoon police shooting of 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr. In last night’s Mostly Peaceful™ Protest, “76 people were arrested for burglary including three with guns, 11 were arrested for assaulting police officers, and three were arrested for failure to disperse,” according to WPVI-TV. […]

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