The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Catch-and-Release: Career Criminal Arrested in Deadly San Francisco Crash

Posted on | February 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Catch-and-Release: Career Criminal Arrested in Deadly San Francisco Crash

Jerry Lyons, 31, had spent his entire adult life committing crimes. He had dozens of arrests in California — attempted robbery, burglary, evading police, driving a stolen vehicle, weapons charges, drug charges, shoplifting, trespassing, etc. — but kept getting turned loose until Thursday, when he finally killed somebody. Sheria Musyoka, 26, was an immigrant from Kenya who had graduated from Dartmouth and moved to San Francisco with his wife and three-year-old son. Lyons was behind the wheel of a stolen car when he killed Musyoka:

Two months before Jerry Lyons was accused of plowing a stolen truck into eight cars on Thursday, killing a pedestrian and injuring three others, he was arrested in San Francisco for a remarkably similar crime — only it didn’t result in any deaths or injuries.
The Dec. 3 arrest was just one of scores of previous cases in San Francisco and San Mateo counties spanning the 31-year-old’s entire adult life.
It began around 2:15 a.m. when a California Highway Patrol officer at Alemany Boulevard and Sickles Avenue watched a driver run a red light, stop in the intersection, pull an illegal U-turn, drive over a traffic median and begin weaving between two lanes, officials said.
The officer discovered the vehicle was stolen, pulled it over and arrested Lyons at the scene. He was booked on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and driving a stolen vehicle without a license. At the time he was on supervised release for a theft case.
The district attorney’s office said Lyons was sentenced to a 60-day jail term for violating his supervised release. Prosecutors, though, requested blood toxicology results before filing new charges.
When the results came back on Jan. 22 — after Lyons was back on the street — a spokeswoman for the office said “We began working with CHP to pursue a DUI charge and awaited his arrest.”
But unfortunately, Lyons wasn’t arrested before allegedly barreling through a red light at another San Francisco intersection — this time with deadly results.
Shortly before 8 a.m. Thursday, police said Lyons slammed into multiple vehicles at Lake Merced Boulevard and Higuera Avenue, killing a pedestrian and injuring three others. . . .
Three other victims, two women and a man, were hospitalized and expected to survive.
Lyons was booked Thursday night on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter, felony hit-and-run, driving under the influence, and other charges. The incident was the violent cap to the suspect’s more than decade-long rap sheet.
Before the December arrest, records show Lyons was arrested in October in San Francisco on suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle, receiving stolen property and drug charges. It’s unclear if the district attorney’s office took any action on the case.
Lyons had six other cases in San Francisco dating back to 2007. They include charges of attempted robbery, burglary, evading police, driving a stolen vehicle, weapons charges, and others.
In San Mateo County, Lyons has faced more than 20 charges, including shoplifting, trespassing and drug charges. He was charged with driving under the influence on Jan 5. between when he was released from San Francisco Jail and Thursday’s deadly episode.

Let’s recap: While out on “supervised release” on a theft conviction, Lyons was arrested Dec. 6 driving under the influence in a stolen car. Within a month, however, he was back on the streets and arrested again for driving under the influence on Jan. 5. You might think that two DUI arrests in less than a month would be enough to put somebody in jail and keep them there, but this is California, where the “catch-and-release” policy turns criminals loose as soon as they’re arrested.

Remember, this is the state that elected Kamala Harris to the U.S. Senate. All the sane people left California a long time ago, and the entire state is now basically an open-air lunatic asylum, with murderous psychopaths roaming around looking for victims to rob, rape or murder.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! In a new post this morning, I examine “How Liberals Destroyed Law and Order in California.”



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