The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Other McCain Sells Out

Posted on | April 1, 2021 | Comments Off on The Other McCain Sells Out

— by Wombat-socho

So long, and thanks for all the links.

After a shocking early morning phone call from Stacy in which he revealed that he had sold the blog to Jeff Bezos of the Washington Post for an undisclosed amount of money “and other valuable considerations”, possibly including a minority stake in the Hagerstown Suns minor league baseball team, it is my unhappy duty to inform you that this will be the last post at The Other McCain. Family spokesman Kirby took the phone and said there would be more details in a later video post on YouTube, “but right now Stacy has to talk the Ewok off the ledge.”

Smitty had no comment, but sources speaking on background to the Navy Times revealed that the former Admiral of the Afghan Sea had been recalled to duty, promoted to Commodore, and would be sent on a three-year accompanied tour of the Little America Antarctic base where he would be in charge of efforts to root out alleged multi-racial white supremacists in Neu Schwabenland.

As for your resident burrowing marsupial and linkmongler, I am sitting in my hotel room surrounded by half-naked cosplay girls and bemusedly examining the packing slip on this box I received from Amazon Prime late last night. Thirty silver eagle coins, a case of fishnet stockings, five pounds of See’s Chocolates, a gallon of Astroglidea man could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that

UPDATE: Stacy’s news conference.

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