The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rebekah Jones Update

Posted on | June 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Rebekah Jones Update

In case you didn’t see this story already, the fake “whistleblower” Rebekah Jones attempted to destroy the career of a Ph.D. student at Florida State University who only wanted to help get Florida’s COVID-19 death totals accurately counted. The word “psychopath” is now being widely used to describe the woman who was the subject of “Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day” a couple months ago. Because I am a professional journalist, however, I would hesitate to use the clinical term “psychopath” because I have no credentials to make such a diagnosis and it might be construed as defamatory. Nevertheless, I have previously stated my opinion that Jones is “deranged, demented, daft, wacky, bonkers, non compos mentis, off her rocker, nuttier than a Snickers bar, a few fries short of a Happy Meal, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

Meanwhile, my podcast partner John Hoge has the latest developments in the criminal case of Florida v. Jones, in which the fake “whistleblower” is charged with “offenses against users of computers, computer systems, computer networks and electronic devices.” Lawyers for Jones filed a motion to dismiss the charge, and the prosecutor filed his response to her motion, and a judge will rule on these motions soon enough.

This means that Rebekah Jones is still at large, so be careful out there because, you know, Crazy People Are Dangerous.

P.S.: 7 p.m. ET for The Other Podcast tonight.



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