The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

Posted on | June 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Elie Reynolds at The Federalist Blog wrote an article on the counterrevolutionary fashion trend that is apparently all the rage among the Generation Z girls, cottagecore. It looks on the one hand like a throwback to the fashions of the 1950s, but on the other hand, it also looks like a revival of something that’s been missing for a long time in womens’ fashions, which is modesty. Now, this may seem a weird thing for me to be making a fuss over after weeks (months? years?) of posting pics of scantily clad young ladies, but in point of fact Rule 5 has never been about how close we can get to posting nekkid* women without being NSFW. It is about the appreciation of pretty girls, and there’s absolutely nothing that says we can’t appreciate them in sundresses and other modest dresses just as well as we do when they’re in swimsuits or lingerie. So this week, we have a model outstanding in her field in a really nice dress.

Also, while we’re on the topic of girls with most of their clothes off, Pete Da Tech Guy posted a thought on the recent Rule 5 posts which I linked at the time but forgot to say anything about until now. See, last month when I was out in the Washington area and sitting down with Stacy & John Hoge before The Other Podcast, we’d been talking about this very thing, because I was uneasy in my mind at the thought that I was encouraging (even indirectly), people to do the Wrong Thing by subscribing to online services, shall we say, of questionable virtue. I have tried to avoid this. I have deliberately excluded the kind of gals who use posts on r/cosplaygirls to advertise themselves doing pr0n on their OnlyFans, and want to stress that I am not recommending that you do that sort of thing. Paying for pics of scantily clad young ladies is one thing; paying for them to do on-demand pr0n is quite another, and that’s not what we’re about here. I apologize if I have given that impression.

Thanks for your patience with all the words.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

A return to modesty?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1393, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

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EBL: Billy Budd, Is Climate Change To Blame?, Coney Island, Turandot, Lana del Rey, Tosca, The Flight Attendant, Maria Stuarda, Rusalka, The Exterminating Angel, Taken, Tropic Thunder, MAGA Catiline – Where Will It End?, La Traviata, and Hemingway

A View From The Beach: Gabrielle AdrianFish Pic Friday – Joy KairallaTanlines ThursdayThe Wednesday WetnessThis is Why We Can’t Have Nice ThingsI Ain’t Scared, But . . .Tattoo TuesdayLocal Deer Subject to Brain Rot?Motoring in MondayPalm SundayGet Woke, Go Broke and Our Owners Plot to Keep Us Muzzled.

Brian Noggle: Colleen Camp

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

*As the late Lewis Grizzard used to say, “Naked is when you got no clothes on; nekkid is when you got no clothes on and you’re up to something.”

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