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"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai

Posted on | July 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Mai Sakurajima, the leading lady of the series Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, is a former child actress and model who’s walked out on her promising career so she can finish high school – but after starting in mid-year, it’s too late for her to join any of the social circles in her school, and she’s effectively invisible until Sakuta Azusagawa sees her wandering the school library in a bunny girl costume. Here Mai is portrayed by Redditor r/FineSensitiveProduce alongside a pic of the original.
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