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Rule 5 Sunday: Queen Victoria Eugenie Of Spain

Posted on | October 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Queen Victoria Eugenie Of Spain

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
Being royalty isn’t always a fairy tale life, but with the exception of the very unfortunate Romanovs, few royals had it harder than the Queen Consort of Spain, Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, granddaughter of England’s Queen Victoria and first cousin to King George V. As the wife of King Alfonso XIII, she converted to Catholicism, but her reign began badly with an attempted assassination, and became worse when her son the Infante Alfonso proved to have inherited hemophilia from her. Estranged from the King, who embarrassed her with numerous affairs, she devoted herself to hospital work, education, service to the poor, and the reorganization of the Spanish Red Cross, for which she was decorated by the Pope (the first time an English princess had been so honored since the reign of Queen Mary I) and honored by having a number of landmarks in Madrid and San Sebastian named for her. Things got worse in 1931 when the royal family left the country after the municipal elections ushered in the Second Spanish Republic; Alfonso XIII hoped to avoid a civil war between his supporters and the Republicans. She remained in exile for the rest of her life, except for a brief return in 1968 for the baptism of her great-grandson the Infante Felipe, who would become king after the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos. She died in Lausanne, Switzerland on April 15, 1969, 38 years to the day after going into exile, and her remains were eventually reburied in the Escorial outside Madrid next to her husband’s grave. This is a picture of her taken early in her reign.

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And to wrap up, Brian Noggle brings us Julie Newmar as a guest star in a couple of Route 66 episodes. 

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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