The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.13.22

Posted on | September 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.13.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Ukrainian Warrior Women, also, Higher Education Good and Hard
Twitchy: “More Russian Connections To The Clinton Campaign”, also, tHe WaLlS aRe ClOsInG iN!
Louder With Crowder: ‘Not on my watch’: Crowd erupts as Ron DeSantis GOES OFF on elites and what their pandemic endgame was
Vox Popoli: Effective Rhetoric, Incontrovertible Proof of the Existence of God, A Second Front, and Tolkien Knew
Stoic Observations: What Culture Feels Like

American Conservative: The Ruins of the Covid Regime
American Greatness: Tucker Carlson: Biden DOJ Has Targeted ‘Dozens and Dozens’ of Trump Allies in Latest Crackdown on ‘Enemies of the Regime’
American Power: The Great Reset – Global Elites & The Permanent Lockdown
American Thinker: Wow! Twitter Green Lights Anti-Trans Movement, also, When you are sick, do you want Dr Woke or Dr Smart?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Mat-Su News
Babalu Blog: Superior of Jesuit order expelled from Cuba for criticizing the island’s dictatorship, Cuban dictatorship opens gourmet culinary festival at apartheid resort enclave while Cubans starve, and Reports from Cuba: Sugarcane workers barely surviving in Camajuani, Cuba
BattleSwarm: Putin Finds Out About The Kharkiv Counteroffensive, also, Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Flares Up Again
Behind The Black: NASA revises its SLS launch schedule, pending approval of the range’s safety office, Red China’s Long March 7A launches communications satellite; dumps debris on Philippines, SpaceX appeals FCC decision that cancelled Starlink subsidy, and Today’s blacklisted Americans
Cafe Hayek: Not a Promising Start for Liz Truss, A Reflection on Bastiat’s “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen”, and 52 Years Ago Today Milton Friedman Wrote Against Stakeholder Capitalism
CDR Salamander: DDG(X) Becoming a CG(X) Flashback?
Da Tech Guy: Now that Ukraine is taking back territory from Russia, it’s time for the New York Times to return Walter Duranty’s tainted Pulitzer, The Reality of the Trump vs Biden Economy Strikes in Frederick MD, and Report from Louisiana: Juvenile Offenders going to Angola
Don Surber: Democrats can’t govern, Even NYT doesn’t believe pro-Dem polls, and Trump comes out swinging
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, What happens when you leave dirty dishes in the sink for 70 years?
Gates Of Vienna: The Cultural Enrichment of the Termini Railway Station, From a Corona Dictatorship to a Heating Dictatorship, Knife Jihad in Ansbach, and An Ice Age Descends on German Industry
The Geller Report: Joe Biden: “This is the United States of Gomorrah”
Hogewash: Sex and the Immune System, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and A Star Shattering Kaboom
Hollywood In Toto: Lifemark Gives Fathom Events Its Best Box Office of 2022, Woke Jimmy Kimmel Attacked for ‘White Privilege’ Emmy Gag, and Is Showtime Doing Damage Control for The Lincoln Project?
The Lid: Ken Burns Has A Palestine Problem
Legal Insurrection: PA Senate Race: WaPo Isn’t Falling for John Fetterman’s Excuses Not to Debate Dr. Oz, Lowery v. Texas A&M: The Beginning of the End of ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Discrimination?, and ‘Lack of Support From the Federal Government’: Democrats Still Changing to GOP Along the Border Over Immigration, Border Security
Nebraska Energy Observer: Going to the Dogs, also, How’s this for scary?
Outkick: Pete Carroll Couldn’t Believe Broncos’ Boneheaded Decision At End Of MNF, CNN Reporter Calls Out Own Network, Mainstream Media For Knee-Jerk Reaction To BYU Racism Story, Boston Marathon Will Allow Non-Binary Runners To Qualify Under Women’s Standards, and Woke King Ryan Clark Takes Unsolicited Shot At Drew Lock
Power Line: Pay No Attention to the Pollster Behind the Curtain, The squirming of Mark Kelly, and Stelter Goes to Harvard
Shark Tank: Nunez Tells “Radical Puppet” Charlie Crist His Pandering Won’t Work
Shot In The Dark: Evidence, , TikTok Is A Hemorrhoid On The World’s Intellectual Lower Bowel, also, Anniversary Notes
STUMP: September 2022 Sumo has Started!
The Political Hat: Miracle Of The Individual
This Ain’t Hell: Possible railroad strike looming, More quick updates, and Woman Pleads Guilty in Stolen Valor Case
Transterrestrial Musings: Bill Nelson 2.0, also, Light Posting
Victory Girls: Cancer Moonshot Announced By Biden In Boston, also, Inflation Rises But White House Party Is Still On
Volokh Conspiracy: Defensive Gun Use Among Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians
Watts Up With That: Will California “Learn” to Avoid Peak Rolling Blackouts?, also, Washington, DC’s Energy Colonialism
Weasel Zippers: WH Won’t Say If Biden Supports Taking Death Penalty Off The Table For 9/11 Plotters, Dem Congressman Says U.S. Constitution Is “An Accident Waiting To Happen”, Dem Rep. Tim Ryan Says US Needs To “Kill And Confront” “Extremist” Republican Movement, and Railroad Strike To Possibly Hit Country On Friday, Cripple 60% Of Economic Activity
The Federalist: Joe Biden’s Not Done Increasing Inflation, Heritage Action Steps Up In Arizona Senate Race After McConnell Pulls $8 Million From Masters, Democrats In Key Battlegrounds Are Refusing To Debate Republican Opponents, and Joe Biden Parties While America’s Retirement Accounts Burn
Mark Steyn: People Will Say We’re in Love, Reign and Terror, and You Got a Deal

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