The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Continuity & Tradition

Posted on | November 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Continuity & Tradition

–by Wombat-socho

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Conservatives tend to be traditionalists, by and large, preferring to preserve the past and look skeptically on the New Improved Billion-Volt Limitless Future. We also tend to get cranky when organizations and people who we thought were on our side start acting woke or kowtowing to those who are.

So it pleases me to see that the Wall Street Journal, whose editorial page has been a bastion of conservatism* for as long as I can remember, has rejected the whining of sundry annoying leftists and once again reprinted a pair of classic editorials by former editor Vermont Royster: The Desolate Wilderness, as well as And The Fair Land, which recount the arrival of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts and our progress since then. They are both well worth your time, as is the late Rush Limbaugh’s The True Story of Thanksgiving.

I hope this finds all of you in the Loyal Commentariat, as well as the trolls and ne’er-do-wells** that occasionally visit, having a happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones. See you tomorrow.

*One may occasionally grumble about the kind of conservatism they are defending, but generally, they have been Right.
**Romans 3:23 applies here, I think.

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