The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Can You Guess Who Won the Court Case of Brett Kimberlin v. United States?

Posted on | January 9, 2023 | Comments Off on Can You Guess Who Won the Court Case of Brett Kimberlin v. United States?

Hint: Not Brett Kimberlin.

My podcast partner John Hoge has followed the long trail of this court proceeding, whereby the diminutive bomber endeavored to have his felony convictions voided because . . . Well, reasons!

Last year, the World’s Worst Pro Se Litigant™ got curb-stomped by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Because you can’t argue pro se before the Supreme Court, the pipsqueak perjurer enlisted the legal assistance of well-connected Democrat lawyer Neal Katyal’s firm, but Kimberlin’s case was so preposterously weak that not even a big-dollar law firm could salvage it. So, if you’re keeping score at home, the final tally:

United States ………… 1
Brett Kimberlin …….. 0

The new year is off to a propitious start, I’d say. By the way, today is the 11th anniversary of the incident at the Montgomery County Courthouse that led to Kimberlin filing a peace order against Aaron Walker, and subsequently getting Walker arrested, which was the proximate cause of the Brett Kimberlin story becoming nationwide news.




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