The Other McCain

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The Next California Disaster

Posted on | January 14, 2023 | Comments Off on The Next California Disaster

Rep. Barbara Lee (left); Rep. Katie Porter

If it’s not earthquakes, it’s pandemics. If it’s not droughts, it’s floods. But if there aren’t any natural disasters in California, there’s always the political variety in the Democrat-controlled state, and rumblings of a new Democrat-inflicted catastrophe can be heard now that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is rumored to be retiring, leaving the seat up for grabs in 2024. Some background from Wikipedia:

In August 2020, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. After they won the general election, [California Secretary of State Alex] Padilla was mentioned as a possible choice as Harris’s successor in the Senate. Governor [Gavin] Newsom had the power to appoint her successor. In December 2020, Newsom announced that he would appoint Padilla to the seat, making him California’s first Hispanic senator and the first male U.S. senator from California since Alan Cranston retired in 1993. . . .
Most Latinos, who are 40% of California’s population, supported Padilla’s appointment, but some black leaders, who wanted another black woman to replace Harris, criticized it. San Francisco Mayor London Breed called Padilla’s appointment “a real blow to the African American community.”

Got that? Hispanics are 40% of California’s population, whereas blacks are less than 7%, but appointing Padilla to the Senate was “a real blow to the African American community” and, of course, Black Lives Matter.

This is the problem with identity politics — everybody competing in the Oppression Olympics thinks they’re entitled to the gold medal. It defies logic to assert that 7% of California’s population has a “right” to 50% of the state’s U.S. Senate seats, but remember logic is white supremacy.

Perhaps not everybody in California is insane enough to buy into the “progressive” worldview, but the lunatics are clearly in the majority, because most of the sane people have already left the state.

So, with Padilla holding one of California’s Senate seats, and Feinstein expected to announce her retirement, third-term Democrat Rep. Katie Porter was the first to throw her hat in the ring:

Now you’re probably wondering, what percentage of the California population is pudgy left-wing white women with bad haircuts? But never mind that, Katie Porter is a “Progressive Rock Star,” a protégé of Elizabeth Warren, and raised $24 million to defend her House seat in 2022. This means that Porter will be able to raise money for her Senate race on a nationwide basis, collecting campaign cash from pudgy left-wing women white women with bad haircuts from coast to coast.

However, don’t expect California’s 7% to cooperate:

Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, a seasoned progressive with more than three decades immersed in California politics, on Wednesday told congressional colleagues she plans to run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat in 2024.
Lee announced her intentions during a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, receiving a standing ovation, but has not officially confirmed she is running or formed an official Senate committee to start raising money in a race expected to be both costly and intensely competitive.
Lee’s private disclosure comes just a day after Rep. Katie Porter (D-Irvine) launched her campaign to replace Feinstein, 89, who has yet to disclose whether she intends to retire at the end of her term. As one of the most coveted posts in California politics, Feinstein’s Senate seat is widely expected to spur interest from some of the state’s most ambitious and prominent elected leaders.
Lee’s announcement was confirmed by a source close to the congresswoman who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak on her political plans. The source cautioned that the congresswoman didn’t announce a Senate campaign — only her intention to run. The news was first reported by Politico.
First elected to Congress in 1998 after nearly a decade in the California Legislature, Lee is a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and former co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Did I mention that California Gov. Gavin Newsom is widely expected to launch a 2024 campaign for the White House? So while he’s busy organizing a presidential campaign to save America from another four years of senile Joe Biden, his state’s Democratic Party is heading for an identity politics trainwreck, with the “rock star” fat white woman battling the angry black woman from Oakland in a progressive Armageddon.

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