The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.28.23 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho Playing catchup today since I didn’t get home to Tonopah until around 9 PM last night. Silicon Valley delenda est. OVER THE TRANSOM Director Blue: The Real Roots Of The Financial Crisis EBL: Putin’s Ukraine War 1st Anniversary, Scott Adams and Dilbert Get Cancelled, and Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union Speech of […]

If Fetterman Is Brain Dead, Maybe They Should Hook Him Up to Jumper Cables?

Before I get to the context of the headline, first the news: The office Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., released an update on Monday regarding his health after the Democratic Senator checked himself into a hospital for clinical depression earlier this month. Fetterman’s communications director Joe Calvello said the Democratic senator was “doing well” and working […]

WOW: Left-Wing Narrative on Train Wreck Debunked by … Washington Post?

A broken clock is right twice a day, and even one of the most reliable liberal propaganda organs can’t deny Pete Buttigieg is a liar: The Washington Post reviewed “every possible regulatory change” that was made under the Trump administration and found that none of them contributed to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. […]

Rule 5 Monday: Lana Turner

— compiled by Wombat-socho You can thank RazØrfist for this week’s babe, since he pointed out on Twitter something I hadn’t known about this sultry star: besides being a fine actress who did amazing things with sweaters, she was a fierce anticommunist and wound up on the blacklist of the commie union front group, which […]

Good News From California

Say hello to 17-year-old Kristopher Baca and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because this juvenile dirtbag is no longer depleting the earth’s supply of oxygen. You’ve never heard his name before, but you may remember a case that made national headlines last year: A Los Angeles mom mowed down with her […]

In Defense of Scott Adams

As everybody knows now, “Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams has been #canceled because of what is being called a “racist rant” he posted on his daily video stream last week. An acquaintance who knows Adams passed along the word that Adams is wealthy enough that this is basically his way of taking early retirement. What’s most […]

NFL Star: ‘Hey, New York Taxes Suck!’

Buffalo Bills strong safety Jordan Poyer is one of the best defensive backs in the NFL. If you’re a quarterback going up against the Bills, your first read is to figure out where Poyer is, and then throw the ball somewhere else. (Just ask Lamar Jackson what happens if you throw it near Poyer.) When […]

FMJRA 2.0: Home Is Nevada

— compiled by Wombat-socho I had a good weekend at Confinement; didn’t sleep as much as I should have, but I managed to control my nibbling and my jeans feel a tad looser, so I have that going for me. Also talked to a bunch of folks about all kinds of stuff, and got some […]

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