The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tranny Canned: Bud Light Marketing Executive Now on ‘Leave of Absence’

Posted on | April 23, 2023 | 2 Comments

Dylan Mulvaney is a show-business scam — an unemployed actor invented a “female” character, turned this into a TikTok comedy channel and, because millions of people are too stupid to see through the scam, became a viral online sensation. His agent was able to persuade a bunch of companies to sponsor Dylan as an “influencer,” which is how he ended up with his face on his own personalized Bud Light can.

Well, conservatives pounced and seized on this — whenever lefties do something offensive, the “backlash” becomes the story, which is a deflection, but never mind — and the damage to Anheuser-Busch’s profit picture was serious enough that the company had to take action:

Bud Light Marketing Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid has taken a leave of absence from the company amid ongoing controversy over the brand’s decision to bring on transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as an ambassador.
Bud Light announced that Heinerschneid, who has been in charge of the brand since June 2022, would be replaced by Budweiser global marketing Vice President Todd Allen, according to Ad Age. In a March 23 podcast appearance, Heinerschneid said that she wanted to pivot from the brand’s traditionally “fratty” image. . . .
“I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,‘” Heinerschneid said.
The brand’s decision to partner with Mulvaney sparked a boycott, which resulted in the company losing $6 billion in market cap. Notably, country music stars such as John Rich and Travis Tritt both denounced the brand and announced they would be joining the boycott.
Bud Light initially tried to defend its partnership with Mulvaney, citing that the brand tries to connect with “audiences across various demographics” and that Mulvaney was only one of “hundreds of influencers across our brands.”
On April 14th, Budweiser CEO Brendan Whitworth responded to the controversy with a statement saying that he never intended to be a part of a divisive conversation.
“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Whitworth wrote, “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

Unfortunately, “leave of absence” is not a synonym for fired:

So if you were boycotting Anheuser-Busch, don’t be deceived into quitting your boycott because of this token repentance. (I prefer Corona, Yuengling or Flying Dog, so the boycott is irrelevant to my choices.) Liberals seem to think of “diversity” as carte blanche to insult people, with complete immunity from consequences. When there actually are consequences, liberals believe they’re being victimized by hate.

Here’s a Washington Post columnist:

Dylan Mulvaney, a trans influencer with more than 10 million followers, documented her transition over the course of a year. To celebrate Day 365 of her journey, Bud Light sent her some personalized cans of beer. She unveiled them on TikTok in a partnership with Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch.
This attempt on Bud Light’s part to be forward-thinking about how its customers live and love has been met with a backlash by one group of people who seem to believe that another group of people should not exist. Kid Rock used his gun to shoot several cases of the beer; another guy destroyed a can of Bud Light with a baseball bat in a typical digital tantrum.
For some, trans people represent just the latest Babadook, a complex fear they cannot tolerate.
A note to those folks who are upset that Anheuser-Busch relied on a trans woman as a quasi-spokesperson: Whether you like it or not, queer people have been drinking “your beer” for decades. In fact, as long as there’s been beer, queer people have been drinking it.
Mulvaney’s celebration for some reason threatened the very existence of a whole bunch of guys who aren’t ready for that reality. . . .

Note the flat assertion that transgender propaganda is “forward-thinking,” and that critics are motivated by irrational fear. If you thought the beginning of that column was insulting, you should read its entirety, basically claiming that anyone who doesn’t celebrate transgenderism is childish, and lecturing readers about how the controversy highlights “problematic” ideas of masculinity. But is it really “a whole bunch of guys” who are insulted by Dylan Mulvaney, whose parody is to genuine womanhood what “Amos & Andy” was to black culture?




2 Responses to “Tranny Canned: Bud Light Marketing Executive Now on ‘Leave of Absence’”

  1. Dylan Mulvaney, Bud Light, and Influencers OH MY! - The DaleyGator
    April 23rd, 2023 @ 10:07 am

    […] Let the Other McCain explain […]

  2. Harvard grad enters the unemployment line – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.
    April 23rd, 2023 @ 10:53 am

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