The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.24.23 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | May 24, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.24.23 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Your news media today

357 Magnum: Building Uncensored AI
EBL: The Best of Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Twitchy: The “Machete Professor” Dismissed From Hunter College, also, The Atlantic Declares Twitter A “Far Right Social Network”
Louder With Crowder: Girl track star (who was a boy track star two years ago) brags about PR as she steals opportunity for state championship, Los Angeles Dodgers tell Catholics to drop dead, get bullied by pols into reinstating drag nuns to Pride Night festivities, and Watch: Former ESPN host goes scorched Earth on “mediocre men” competing in girls’ sports, calls Lia Thomas a bigot
Vox Popoli: Kinder and Gentler, Zelensky Avoids Ukraine, and Redefinitions and Rhetoric

American Conservative: After Bakhmut
American Greatness: Target Partners With Trans-Satanist Designer For ‘Pride’ Collection, Report: Fox News Issued Trans-Friendly Handbook to Employees, Ordered Hosts Not To Bash Dylan Mulvaney, and Why Is Everyone Protecting Ray Epps?
American Thinker: For Obama, the Cover-Up Was Worse than the Crime
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Absurdities News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s population is shrinking, aging rapidly, Cubans must choose between hotels and eating, and Reports from Cuba: With friends like this, the die is cast for Cuba
Baldilocks: Choosing The Character, Neapolitan
BattleSwarm: “Does The US Military’s New Combat Rifle Kinda Suck?”, also, Russians Invade Russia?
Behind The Black: Red China launches two satellites yesterday, one for Macau, Three government agencies now investigating the safety of methane-fueled rockets, Ancient volcano vent in the Martian southern cratered highlands?, and Pushback: California loses big for trying to force churches to violate their religious beliefs
CDR Salamander: Lieutenant Alkonis – Lost In Japan, also, Speaking Of The Russian Navy
Chicago Boyz: Welcome Wagon Essay Series: 1
Da Tech Guy: October 16th 2004 vs May 21st 2023
Dana Loesch: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign – Is It Weird That He’s Still Single? also, DeSantis To Announce Presidential Bid On Twitter Spaces With Elon Musk
Don Surber: What Reparations Are Really About, also, Ending The Lies
Gates Of Vienna: Tariq Ramadan Gets His Day in Court, What Will the Culture-Enrichers Do When the Money Runs Out?, Thai Elections: Rinse and Repeat, BR-R-R-R-R-R!, and Returning Germany to the Stone Age
The Geller Report: California Reparations Commission Claims Slavery is Chief Reason for Black Hardship Within State
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Don’t Know Much Biology, and A Sonification in Two Movements
Hollywood In Toto: ‘Buddy Games’ Sequel Targets Woke Mind Virus (Gets Roasted by Critics), also, ‘Wrath of Becky’ Piles on Progressive Talking Points
The Lid: Whoopi Goldberg’s Latest Stupidity: Racist Attack On Tim Scott
Legal Insurrection: National Association of Scholars President Defends Prof Ejected From Class for Objecting to DEI Policies, 60,000 Pounds of Potential Explosive Component Ammonium Nitrate Lost During Shipping, Scientific American is Now the Bud Light of Science Journals, Uber’s DEI Chief on Leave After Complaints Over ‘Don’t Call Me Karen’ Seminar, and Victory: U. Minnesota Drops Race Requirements Excluding Whites From Summer Program After Equal Protection Project Complaint
Nebraska Energy Observer: A Cabal of Sociopaths
Outkick: LeBron James Floats Idea Of Retiring After Lakers Get Swept, But There’s No Way He Calls It Quits This Offseason, Dodgers Re-Invite Anti-Catholic Drag Group To Pride Night, Issue Apology To LGBTQ+ Community, LSU Softball Player Wrongly Criticized For Berating Umpire Serves As Great Reminder To Give Athletes Grace, Pittsburgh’s Pat Narduzzi Blasts Deion Sanders’ Transfer Portal Tactics That ‘Look Bad On College Football Coaches’, Former NFL Cornerback-Turned-Hunter, Trae Waynes, Uses Bud Light For Target Practice, and Did Justin Verlander Yell ‘F**k ESPN’ Right Before Pulling Francisco Lindor Out Of Sunday Night Baseball Interview?
Power Line: “Loretta” Cancels Monty Python, Here Come the Blackouts, and Thought for the Day: The Roots of Our Corrupt National Security Institutions
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Issues His Own Travel Advisory For Socialists & Leftists
Shot In The Dark: “I’m An Expert!”, also, Untargeted
STUMP: Sunday Sumo: Some Winning Moves on the Middle Day
The Political Hat: Segregating Precalculus Classes In Illinois
This Ain’t Hell: It’s False! It’s False!
Transterrestrial Musings: Climate Wars On Twitter, The Left’s Judicial Philosophy, Human Missions To Mars, and The FBI Is Out Of Control
Victory Girls: Jake Sullivan Has No Answers Or Accountability, also, Energy Watchdogs Warn Of Power Blackouts This Summer
Volokh Conspiracy: Happy 20th Birthday to the Streisand Effect
Watts Up With That: German Greens in Crisis, Plummet 40% In Opinion Polls as Anger Mounts Over Bans, Scandals, also, Wrong, WEF, Climate Change Is Not Threatening Lizards, Wine, Coffee or Air Turbulence
Weasel Zippers: NAACP Issues Travel Advisory For Florida, Says Blacks Aren’t Safe There Because of Gov. DeSantis, also, Poll: Biden’s Approval Rating On The Economy Falls To Just 33%
The Federalist: Taxpayers Spend Billions Of Dollars Annually On A Woke Welfare Racket, Ukraine War Fetishist David French Is Now Lecturing You From Kyiv, Ontario Bill Would Banish Freedom Of Speech From LGBT ‘Safety Zones’, If You Want To ‘Drain The Swamp,’ Then Drain The FBI, and Here’s How House Republicans Could Block Senate Democrats’ Efforts To Thwart IRS Whistleblower
Mark Steyn: How About You?, also, Steyn Sues Ofcom

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