The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.01.23

Posted on | June 1, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.01.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in May. I appreciate your support!
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Google Vs. Fair Elections, Self-Defense May Be Legal In Chicago
Flappr: Until?
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #2096
EBL: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also, Mahlagha Jaberi
Twitchy: “It Is DEFINITELY Allowed”, also, News Site Tries To Gotcha DeSantis, Twitter Rates Them A Rotten Tomato
Louder With Crowder: #BoycottTarget takes lead on iTunes: Conservative values Trump mainstream artists Taylor Swift,  Luke Combs, also, Mom dresses like drag queen at school board meeting to make point about what’s appropriate for kids
Vox Popoli: Saving the Devil Mouse, Clown World vs Gamma World, Never Talk to the Media, and The Little Trashmaid Sinks

Adam Piggott: I wouldn’t be dead for quids
American Conservative: ‘Back to Basics’ in Education Is Not Enough, also, To Our Country and Our Dead
American Greatness: Target’s Marketing VP also Works for Organization Pushing Transgender Agenda in Schools, also, Over 300 COVID-Era Medical Papers Retracted due to Scientific Errors, Ethics Concerns
American Thinker: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, also, The Vote Fraud Monster Is Coming for Ted Cruz
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue…Tuesday, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Who is telling these companies to go woke?, also, Russian tourists disgusted by food served at Cuban luxury hotels
BattleSwarm: Q: What Does It Take To Fire A Black Female SJW Professor? A: Holding A Machete Against A Reporter’s Neck, Paxton vs. Phelan Slap Fight, and LinkSwarm for May 26
Behind The Black: Pushback: If the young are beginning to resist the leftist queer agenda, then there is real hope, also, North Korean rocket fails in attempt to put spy satellite into orbit
Cafe Hayek: Only Airheads Believe That the Economy Is Well-Served by ESG Investing, also, Minimum-Wage Legislation Came From a Bad Place
CDR Salamander: Marines – “Huh. Riverine Looks Useful.”, The World We Won, The World We Made, & The World Red China Built While We Were Distracted
Chicago Boyz: Dealing With The Threat, also, Welcome Wagon Essay Series: 2
Da Tech Guy: Stacy Reminds me Why I admire him so, also, State Farm Decides California is a Bad Risk
Dana Loesch: Pathological Altruism Via Rainbow Marketing
Don Surber: Why This Compromise Sucks
First Street Journal: Lies, damned lies, and statistics, Democrisy: How the #Climate activists want you to do as they say, not do as they do, and The Philadelphia Inquirer tells us about its impending death
Gates Of Vienna: German Police Told to Go Easy on Culture-Enrichers, also, Diversity is Our Strength!
The Geller Report: Academic Study Shows That Being A Leftist Drives You Mad, Makes You Crazy, also, FDA Admits That Childrens’ Hearts Are Damaged by Covid Vaccine
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Four Views of Io’s Volcanoes, and Loomer, Jones, and Pushaw
Hollywood In Toto: Tom Hanks Promotes Truth (After Honoring Serial Liar Biden), also, The Boogeyman Lacks That Signature Stephen King Spark
The Lid: HELP! Jane Fonda Wants Me In Jail Because White Men Cause Climate Change, also, GETTING SPECIFIC: Comer Wants FBI Docs For $5 Million In Biden Bribes From Ukraine … Dated June, 2020
Legal Insurrection: Trump Trashes Kayleigh McEnany for the Crime of Allegedly Misquoting Iowa Poll Numbers, also, Colorado College Students Boo and Turn Their Backs on Commencement Speaker Liz Cheney
Nebraska Energy Observer: Were you aware, Once more into the breach, and Down in the Dumps? Well, This Might Help
Outkick: ESPN’s Sam Ponder Responds ‘Biology Is Not Bigotry’, also, Dodgers Pitcher Blake Treinen Backs Teammates Religious Stance Against Dodgers Pride Night
Power Line: Target In a Crossfire Hurricane, also, Senior moment with a local twist
Shark Tank: Mast Chides Biden’s Foreign Policy – “Weakness Invites Aggression”
Shot In The Dark: The Next Big Thing, I Love A Happy Ending, and Notes To Self Re 2023 Session Part I
STUMP: Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 8: External causes of death, also, Update: Why Have “Full Contributors” Lost So Much Ground In Twenty Years in Public Pensions?
The Political Hat: Racial Quotas Are Still Unconstitutional, Massachusetts To Parents: Sterilize Your Kids Of Face Child Abuse Charges, and Cabin Boy Living
This Ain’t Hell: Jane Fonda blames the “climate crisis” on the patriarchy, Texas fall short, Default could have catastrophic effects for veterans, and Reserve Marine Lieutenant Colonel helps bust human-trafficking ring
Transterrestrial Musings: A Declaration Of Decadence, And The Beat Goes On, and C. Boyden Gray
Victory Girls: CUNY Law Grad Goes Full Anti-Semite In Commencement Speech, also, FDA Capriciously Bans OTC Meds For Livestock And Pets
Volokh Conspiracy: Political Ignorance and Misinformation on the Left, also, A Lawyer’s Filing “Is Replete with Citations to Non-Existent Cases”—Thanks, ChatGPT?
Watts Up With That: “We have no reason to be against nuclear energy other than prejudice & stupidity”, also, The South African Energy Crisis: A Battle between Power Needs and Environmentalists
Weasel Zippers: WTF Is Going On At Disneyland?, MSNBC Shocked: After 28 Months Of Joe Biden, “Things Are STILL Expensive Across The Board”, and Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman: “We Need To Stop Drilling For Fossil Fuels Completely”
The Federalist: We Need More Christians Like Trevor Williams Not Anthony Bass, Leftist Midwits And Their Media Allies Redefine ‘Banned’ Books, To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends, Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography To Kids, and To Beat The Dodgers’ Anti-Christian Hate, MLB Stars Must Refuse To Play Ball
Mark Steyn: The Shrinking World, also, The War at Sea: Sink the Bismarck!

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