The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mark Lamb for U.S. Senate: The Candidate the Left Fears the Most

Posted on | July 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Mark Lamb for U.S. Senate: The Candidate the Left Fears the Most

Sometimes politics is easy, and Republican voters in Arizona have a no-brainer in next year’s U.S. Senate race against “independent” Kyrsten Sinema. The Democrats are going to pick one of the various “progressive” kooks in their clown-car primary, and Sinema will run for re-election as an independent, creating a dream scenario for Republicans, who will probably need just 40% of the vote to win in the resulting three-way race. The candidate for Arizona Republicans is obviously Mark Lamb:

Sheriff Mark Lamb is a husband, father, grandfather, and God-fearing patriot. Lamb has served as Sheriff of Pinal County since 2017. Lamb serves on the frontlines at the Southern Border, fighting the criminal cartels to prevent the flow of deadly fentanyl and human trafficking. In 2020, Sheriff Lamb took a courageous stand against COVID lockdowns, as well as mask and vaccine mandates, ensuring that his people lived free, businesses remained open, and children stayed in school. Through this steadfast dedication to liberty, Lamb earned the nickname “America’s Sheriff”.
Now, Lamb is determined to take his fight to the U.S. Senate. Our Constitutional rights are under attack, the timeless values of our Republic are eroding, and America’s standing on the world stage has been imperiled by the failed leadership of Joe Biden and the Democrats. Lamb will fight to secure the border, stand up for Law and Order, protect the Second Amendment, bring fiscal sanity to Washington, and restore American strength on the world stage. Sheriff Mark Lamb is the conservative fighter Arizona needs to defend our values of God, family, and freedom.

“Gee, Stacy, what caused you to endorse this candidate?”

The answer: Research. Because of his frequent appearances on Live PD, I was already familiar with Sheriff Lamb, but it was while researching a completely unrelated topic that I came across this story:

Talk about a backhanded endorsement! Left-wing writer Matt Shuham has exactly one job at HuffPo, doing smear-jobs on Republicans, and if he’s attacking Lamb as “far right,” what more do you need to know?

He’s repeatedly referred to immigration at the southern border as an “invasion” and called for labeling drug cartels as terrorist groups “just like we did to ISIS.” As sheriff, he refused to enforce anti-COVID measures in his county — even saying at one anti-vaccine rally, “We’re going to find out who is willing to die for freedom.” He also teamed up with True the Vote, the conspiracy-theory-driven group that spent years fundraising on the lie that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats.
On the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, Lamb blamed the mob in D.C. on Democrats, and on the Supreme Court not “hearing our voices.”
Lamb may still find willing ears in Arizona’s electorate, and his presence in the Senate would swing the relatively moderate caucus, at least compared to their House counterparts, sharply to the right. . . .

(Please, please, stop begging! I endorse him 100%!)

During an interview last October with Jack Posobiec — a far-right media personality who the Southern Poverty Law Center noted months prior had “extensive ties to white supremacists” — Lamb echoed the so-called “Great Replacement” theory, or the racist idea that Democrats are attempting to “replace” Americans (typically portrayed as white Americans) with immigrants. . . .

(Now you’re making me want to donate to his campaign.)

“He is very much both a mouthpiece for, and a creation of, the far-right movement in Arizona and nationally,” [left-wing activist Devin] Burghart said.

With endorsements like that, how can I resist?

Because we want to see Democrats with their
heads exploding like that scene in ‘Scanners’



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