In The Mailbox: 08.24.23 (Afternoon Edition)
Posted on | August 24, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.24.23 (Afternoon Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Where I’m at now…”The most dangerous soldier in the Nationalist Army is a Requete who has just been to Confession.” – Loyalist officer
357 Magnum: Chicago Rideshare Driver Defends Himself
EBL: Attorney John Eastman vows to fight Georgia Indictment, Is Democrat King Maker Tom Steyer trying to take out Biden and run Newsom?, Yevgeny Prigozhin ‘on board’ crashed Russian plane?, and MAGA X
Twitchy: Sad, Weepy Adam Kinzinger Flips Out When People Clap Back At His Attack On DeSantis’ Service, Haley Goes For Ramaswamy’s Throat On Foreign Policy, and Glenn Kessler’s “Fact-checking” Of GOP Debate Abortion Claims Goes Really, Really, Really Wrong
Louder With Crowder: Oliver Anthony blasts blindly believing the media in latest banger, “I Wanna Go Home”, It’s NOW official! Bud Light dethroned as the #1 beer in America after the Dylan Mulvaney debacle, and Jennifer Aniston claims to be against “cancel culture” now, but remember when she wasn’t during the pandemic?
Vox Popoli: Spain 1 Lesbianesses 0, How Doctors Create Customers, We’re Number 20, When Gunboat Diplomacy Fails, Carrie Bradshaw, Antichrist, and Fake Man South of Richmond
Gab News: The Boniface Option* Lifts The Veil On Society
Adam Piggott: The Money can Never Stop on Asylum Seeker profits
American Conservative: Not Enough Punishment in the World, also, Why Russia’s Moon Mission Failed
American Greatness: Government-Funded Science Journal Admits Over 2,600 of its Papers May Have ‘Exaggerated Claims’, also, Livid Maui Residents Flip Off Biden’s Motorcade
American Thinker: The Blunt Truth about Global Warming Models
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: We remember Beny More (1919 — 1963), Reports from Cuba: School year to begin in Las Tunas with a 700-teacher deficit and uniforms shortage, Apartheid tourism update: Seven out of every ten hotel rooms in Cuba are vacant, and Cuban dictatorship’s doctor slave trade brought $2 billion in revenue in 2022
Baldilocks: A Woman Plans
BattleSwarm: Nuclear Weapons Expert Rates Movie Nukes, Homeless Repeatedly Break Into Austin Apartment Complex, and Chacon Retires And The APD Stalemate
Behind The Black: India successfully lands Vikram on the Moon, Space junk that ESA demo mission intends to de-orbit as been struck by another piece of space junk, First mission in Isaacman’s private space program delayed again, Where the Martian landscape begins to dry out, and Blacklisted 12-year-old appeals lower court decision saying he has no free speech rights
Cafe Hayek: Further Thoughts on Industrial Policy
CDR Salamander: So You Like The UUV Concept, Eh?
Da Tech Guy: Has Anyone Explained the Words “Streisand Effect” to Ohio Right to Life or Rep Max Miller?, Public Schools align with Satan, A Reminder Concerning Twitter And Other Social Media, I’m Old Enough to Remember When CNN Editing A Conservative’s Speech To Change It’s Meaning Was Frowned Upon by Trump Primary Supporters, and Hope and baseball
Don Surber: Killing The Middle Class
First Street Journal: Whenever there is a truth you cannot tell, that is a truth you must tell!
The Geller Report: FYI: I Won’t Be Watching the Irrelevant Debate on Fox Tonight, But I Will Be Watching Tucker Interview President Trump, also, Democrat Presidential Frontrunner Newsom Proposes at Legislative Crackdown on Parental Rights
Hogewash: A Star Is Destroyed By A Black Hole, Watched the Show Tonight, and Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: Why Can’t We See The Onania Club?, Dark Windows Craves More Than Mindless Thrills, Blue Beetle Blends Heroics with Victimhood 101, 11 Top-Notch Netflix Action Films, and Why Twilight Zone: The Movie Is Less than the Sum of Its Parts
Legal Insurrection: Lawsuit: White House Press Office Unconstitutionally Targeted Reporter With New Credentialing Requirement, Activist Behind Harvard Affirmative Action Case Now Suing Law Firms, NY Times: Ron DeSantis Was an ‘Arrogant’ Yale Baseball Captain, Frat ‘Bully,’ ‘Bored’ With Woke Students, Pearl-Clutching Over New COVID Variant Begins, and University of San Diego Rejects College Republicans’ Plan to Host Matt Walsh as Speaker
Nebraska Energy Observer: Over the Parapet
Outkick: Baltimore Orioles Owner Tells Fans He Can’t Keep Young Stars Without Raising Prices, Stephen A. Smith Is Wrong That ESPN Treated Sage Steele The Same As Her Colleagues, Tua Tagovailoa Tells Ryan Clark To Watch His Mouth After ESPN Analyst Called Dolphins QB A Fat Stripper, New Fansville Commercial Takes Brutal Shot At Realignment, Lindsey Horan Admits USWNT Wasn’t Fully Prepared For World Cup Days After Complaining About Carli Lloyd’s Criticism, and Italian Model Shuts Down Her OnlyFans To Become A Nun After Boyfriend’s Family Sees Her Leaked Content
Power Line: CNN Legal Analyst ‘Perplexed’ by DOJ’s Corruption, NY Times Lets the Mask Slip, and Here We Go Again?
Shark Tank: Mast Blasts Senate, Urges Passage Of Secure The Border Act
Shot In The Dark: DFLiars – Flimmed & Flammed, also, On The One Hand
This Ain’t Hell: Four More Accounted For, USS Howard Grounded, Skipper Fired, Laser weapon development making ‘real progress’, and Wagner Group boss, Yevgeny Prigozhin, on passenger list of crashed airplane
Transterrestrial Musings: Mainstream Media Propaganda, So Much For Prigozhin, and Biden’s Lies
Victory Girls: Maui Demonstrates Again Why You Can’t Trust Government, also, Los Angeles: Parents Protest LGBTQ Indoctrination
Volokh Conspiracy: Maine High Court Finds “Bad Faith” in Denial of Public Records Request, Orders Payment of Requesters’ Fees
Watts Up With That: New Book—Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure, NASA’s Running a Mental Ward, and From Poverty to Moon Landing: How Coal Propelled Indian Economy
The Federalist: Why China’s Decline And Biden’s Incompetence Could Push Xi Jinping To War, AMA Article Calls For Ripping Your Womb From Your Dead Body And Stuffing It Between A Delusional Man’s Legs, Schools That Teach The Classics Instead Of Marxism See Exponential Growth, Woke Hiring Isn’t Just Killing American Competence – It Might Kill You, After Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal Went South, Here’s What’s Next From Biden’s Compromised DOJ, and New York Times Op-Ed Declares Elections ‘Bad For Democracy,’ Changes Headline After Online Mockery
Mark Steyn: Prigozhin Pass?
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